
A Death by Any Other Name

By January 30, 2008No Comments

I was traveling this past weekend when my computer got sick (a complete system failure) and died. No amount of dancing, soothsaying, or human sacrifice could coax it back to life. I finally returned home Wednesday and spoke to Toshiba (well, to the outsourced customer service desk in Bangladesh, or thereabout). The agent got frustrated with me because I couldn’t understand him so he instructed me to take my dang blank laptop to an authorized repair center in the morning for diagnosis.

I was working on a long post about my travels and that is now trapped in the consciousness of my dead computer. My notes on a different post that I promised last week are also on that computer.

I have too many applications, too many programs on the computer that I do not want to lose. But, more than that, I have been working on a redesign of this site that I want to migrate over to its own website and that, too, is on the computer.

I will, of course, continue to post in the coming days and weeks but it may be sporadic until I either get my laptop back, or buy a new one.

So long . . .