I don’t know who Harvey Silvergate is but, before I read anymore about civil liberties from him, I’d prefer he spend a month captive in each of the following locations: Guantanamo Bay, Cuba and Bagram Air Force Base in Afghanistan.
Silvergate is allegedly a lawyer but it appears he wouldn’t know the Constitution even if George W. Bush is standing right in front of him, shredding it.
So, last night, there was the evil dementor Newt Gingrish on Fox’s Hannity and Colmes decrying how Lord Voldermort, er, Bill Clinton, was trying kill off good little Harry (that would be Barack Obama) and it occurred to me, those are love taps that Bill is administering to Obama compared to what Republicans will do to the hopeful one when they get their hands on him.
Wow. That was a long sentence. I’ll try to curb that.
Bill Clinton, apparently, does not mind losing a little bit of respect if it means his wife gets to go back to the White House. Power corrupts. Absolutely.
Heath Ledger is dead. The tabloids, both print and electronic, are going to have a field day.
I’ve seen Ledger in one complete film, Casanova, and in parts of others, including in “Ten Things I Hate about You,” the film where he first made his name. He seemed like a good enough actor. What most impressive to me about him was a profile of him in the New York Times in November.
Ledger, according to that profile, turned down roles for a year after “Ten Things I Hate about You” because “I feel like I’m wasting time if I repeat myself,” he explained.
We should have been tired of Ledger right about now. Instead, he was an intriguing personality. He carefully considered his roles and left a respectable body of work. That is what we’ll be left with when all the piranhas move on to the next prey.
Dear Lord:
If You’re listening up in heaven, please grant me this one wish: Let not the Rudy Giuliani misadventures, otherwise known as his campaign for the Republican presidential nomination, end. Not just yet. Could You let it run for at least one more week?
The thing is this. I was a newspaper reporter once. And, in that capacity, I covered Rudy when he was mayor of New York City. I think I have in me one dynamite post about Rudy and me. In any case, it’ll be such a shame to have to write the memoirs of those days—all the laughs we had, the tears we shed, such a guy!—after he’s left the campaign trail. What fun is that?
So, God, would You prolong his agony long enough for me to get the post in? No, You don’t have to let him win Florida. You know, Rudy G. has this “Big State” strategy? Just let him do well enough so he thinks he could still win the whole thing. Yeah, You can smite him on Super Tuesday.
I’ll try and get my post in before then.
Thank You, Lord.
I have said previously (as have others) that I believe Barack Obama is Bill Clinton’s truest heir.
The New York Times has a curious story today that I am still thinking about. I am not sure what I think about the strategy.
I know that I am happy that the Clintons are not ceding the ‘black’ vote’ to Obama. The most gratifying aspect of this campaign to me has been Obama’ run as a candidate who happens to be black, rather than as the ‘black candidate.’ For that reason, he has had to work hard to earn black support, which he still doesn’t have, not totally. Black women, for instance, may still end up supporting Hillary (because I may not return to this subject, consider this in the meantime).
Hillary, at first, did not think she would have to contest for the ‘black vote,’ such was the reservoir goodwill built by Bill Clinton over the course of his political career. Bill Clinton was no less exploitative of African-Americans in his political career than other Democrats. And the party during his reign still took African-Americans for granted. But, even if short of tangible gains for blacks, Bill Clinton was at least empathetic.
That was a change from the open hostility that Ronald Reagan in particular and Republicans in general have exhibited, something that continues today in some of the coded and overt gestures that the current crop of Republican candidates are making on the campaign trail.
Which is why Obama should have to explain better his apparent Nevada apostasy regarding Reagan and the gibe about the Republican Party being the ‘party of ideas.’
Reagan and those ‘ideas’ that the Republican Party continue to traffick in demonized African-Americans and devastated cities, preyed on communities of color , and the imperiled the poor during the past generation. It is not enough to say “I want me some’ Obama Republicans.’ ”
I remember some of the reasons the so-called “Reagan Democrats” deserted the party to vote with Republicans. I am not going to discuss them here but the consequences of that decision are still being felt today.
In any case, Hillary knows she’s in a race now and she’s truly fighting. I hope to take the cudgel to Obama some more on this subject but the person I want to talk about is Bill Clinton and his struggle for a tone against Obama.
Clinton has been too emotional, too hot, and some of his language too freighted for me not to wonder why he seems so bothered by Obama. This is a contest and Bill, of all people, should enjoy the arena and this battle. But he does not seem to.
Ok. I have to run now. I want to think more about this.
I posted a piece about Barack Obama a couple of days ago. I got a couple of comments from Todd Drew of the Yankees for Justice blog (great blog) and one of his readers. Here’s what they said and my reply:
There’s a lot of reverent (no pun intended) talk today about the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King. Bill Maxwell in his 2003 St. Pete Times column even went so far as to castigate those who don’t speak in appropriately respectful tone of the slain civil rights leader.
One of the people Maxwell was unhappy with is comedian Chris Rock, who has made a habit of invoking Dr. King in often less than respectful vein:
Now there’s alot of talk about the people of Arizona being racist. So I went to see for myself, I went to Arizona and I’m walking through the streets of Tucson pushing my little baby brother in a stroller when a white woman comes up to the baby, smiles and says ‘Boy what a pretty niglet.’ Now if you don’t like black people, that’s one thing, but what I can’t understand is why people in a hot-ass desert town like Tucson, Arizona wouldn’t want a day off work. It’s not like you have to do something black on that day. You don’t have to read Ebony magazine, you don’t have to watch Soul Train, all you have to do is not work. Now if this was an Elvis holiday, they’d take that off. It would be like another Christmas. With big fat white guys coming down chimneys with Elvis jumpsuits on, giving out preyludes. Now, everybody doesn’t get Martin Luther King’s birthday off, even the states that celebrate, some people still have to work. Now one group that never have to work are prisoners. Criminals. Every criminal in every jail get’s the day off work, which means even James Earl Rey, the man who killed Martin Luther King gets the day off. He’s so crazy, he’s probably walking around prison saying, “Everybody gets the day off today and nobody even bothered to thank me. ” Now what Arizona needs to do is give Dr. King somebody else’s holiday. There are so many holidays we celebrate every year that mean nothing.
Like Columbus Day. Nobody celebrates Columbus Day, nobody puts three ships in their front yard. First of all, Columbus discovered the West Indies. Second of all, the land he discovered had occupants on it. That’s like discovering someone’s back yard. All Columbus did was discover a West Indian back yard. He got his little flag and said “I claim this land for Spain.” And the West Indians are like, “Hey, Mon, get your darn flag off me lawn now. Move it now!”
So Arizona, get your act together and hail the King! Thank you very much.
And there was his infamous joke that if a friend called you and told you he was lost on Martin Luther King Blvd, you should tell him to run. Personally, I think Chris Rock honors Dr. King with his jokes. I said, I think.
Happy Monday, folks.
I am not a fan of American football (the sport the rest of the world know as football Americans call soccer). Also, I don’t like the New York Giants (besides, they’re not even located in New York State, much less New York City). I nevertheless rooted for them to win in Green Bay yesterday.
I hate the New England Patriots more. I hate Belichek. I hate Brady. And, a couple of weeks ago, the Giants played really well against the Patriots, scored a lot of points and lost narrowly. I’m hoping the Giants’ defense that play against Green Bay shows up for the super bowl and that the Giants score a lot of points in the Super Bowl. I won’t watch the game. It’s usually a colossal bore. But I’ll check the papers in the morning.
I won’t rejoice if the Giants win. It’ll be satisfying that the Patriots have lost.
Whatever Barack Obama was puffing on before he sat down last week with that editorial board in Reno, he certainly stirred up a hornet’s nest. I came across this essay. Interesting.
I had not seen those Reagan comments before. I like Obama, but if he thinks ANYTHING Reagan did is going to play with people like me he is sorely mistaken.
Thanks and welcome. I hope to have posted more but I caught a flu bug and have been bed-ridden.
On the post, I love politics and I really, really want to like Obama. Comments like the one about Reagan (which I think is tactical but I don’t understand the tactic) is what’s keeping me from coming fully on board. Like Todd said, he’s a real bright star of the Democratic Party. The question is, where does he want to take the party?
I hope it’s not in the direction that Reagan took the nation. Reagan did real and lasting damage.
Thanks again. Michael