Just in case anyone had any doubt that George W. Bush’s highly politicized Justice Department is up to its old tricks in the raids and investigation of ACORN’s voter registration efforts, TalkingPointsMemo posted a video of a similar initiative back in 2006.
The scumbag du jour was Bradley Schlozman, a thug with a history of intimidating voters from voting, especially minority voters. It was almost cruel watching this worm squirm under the glare of U.S. Sen. Patrick Leahy, (D-VT). But the right wing noise has taken up the cry about ACORN and that’s all we’re going to hear from now until Election Day.
ACORN happens to be made up of minority community organizers that the Justice Dept. and the FBI is used to intimidating close to an election. They are sending a message to minorities: You can vote on Election Day but it ain’t gonna be easy.