
Bernie Sanders’ note from Denver

By August 29, 2008No Comments

As I sat on the convention floor and watched the television monitors showing CNN and other corporate media outlets, I saw the presidential campaign being treated as if it were a football game, an academy awards ceremony or a beauty contest. That’s unfortunate, because this campaign is not really about John McCain or Barack Obama. It is about the future of our country and the well-being of hundreds of millions of Americans.

The essence of this campaign is pretty simple. John McCain has made it extremely clear that the policies of his administration would follow closely what the Bush Cheney administration has done. So, if you’re comfortable with what’s gone in this country for the last eight years, I suppose a vote for McCain makes sense.

But, if you’re tired of seeing the middle class decline and poverty increase while the wealthiest people have never had it so good you should give thought to voting for Barack Obama. If you think it’s absurd to provide more than a trillion dollars in tax breaks to the wealthiest 1 percent and increase our national debt even more, you should vote for Obama. If you think every American should have health care, vote for Barack Obama. If you want to stop a trade policy that lets corporate America throw workers on the street and move jobs to China, you should vote for Obama. If you think we should strengthen Social Security rather than privatizing it, vote for Obama. If you think we should bring our troops home from Iraq, you should vote for Barack Obama.

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