
Bring a trash bag to the polls

By October 24, 2008No Comments

In my top-10 tips for avoiding problems when you vote, tip #5 was: Don’t wear political attire to the polls.

As I explained,

While some states do allow voters to wear campaign clothing and buttons in the polling place, most states do not. Free speech issues aside, in order to avoid any confusion or delay on Election Day, we recommend that all voters avoid any potential hassles by choosing not to wear political attire to the polls. If you do wear political attire, be prepared to remove it or cover it up with a jacket or poncho if poll workers ask you to do so.

I have yet to hear of any significant problems with this during early voting. Maybe that’s because word is getting out. I hope so. But there could still be problems on Election Day.

Here’s one little thing you can do to help: bring a trash bag to the polls. Anyone who shows up wearing political attire in a state or county that prohibits political attire in the polling place can use the bag as an inexpensive poncho.

Mind you, I don’t think that anyone should have to vote wearing a trash bag. I think that restrictions on passive electioneering are, by and large, ridiculous. But they are what they are, and we should be prepared to deal with them until we can muster the political will to eliminate these stupid restrictions.

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