

Slow to Refocus

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Late to Digital, Leica Slow to Refocus:

German Camera Pioneer Fired American CEO Who Pressed for Filmless Future


SOLMS, Germany — Leica Camera AG’s employment dispute with fired Chief Executive Steven Lee brings to light the venerable German company’s troubles moving into the digital age.

The quirky company, which helped create modern photography in the early 20th century, stuck too long with film technology and now faces mounting losses and sinking sales.

Since 2006, Leica has been controlled by Andreas Kaufmann, a 54-year-old German aristocrat. A wealthy photography aficionado, he decided to buy the company to rescue it. Mr. Kaufmann imported Mr. Lee, an aggressive American executive from Best Buy Co.

As part of a turnaround effort, Mr. Lee pressed longtime employees to turn out digital products more quickly. He also tried to replace Leica’s small network of specialty dealers with Internet sales and kiosks in upscale resorts.

Mr. Kaufmann eventually fired Mr. Lee after employees complained about his management and the company’s sales slumped. “My mandate was not to be Mr. Nice Guy,” says Mr. Lee, 54, who worked for two decades at International Business Machines Corp. before becoming a Best Buy executive. He recently moved back to Minneapolis and is suing Leica for wrongful dismissal. A German court held a hearing in June but has issued no ruling.

Leica helped pioneer the 35-millimeter film format that took photography out of the studio and into the streets. Many of the 20th century’s most arresting moments of revolution, war and its aftermath were captured by Leicas, the camera clutched by Henri Cartier-Bresson, Alfred Eisenstaedt, Robert Capa and other photographers.

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An appeal

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“Plan for Change” Ad


In the past few weeks, Wall Street’s been rocked as banks closed and markets tumbled.

But for many of you — the people I’ve met in town halls, backyards and diners across America — our troubled economy isn’t news. 600,000 Americans have lost their jobs since January. Paychecks are flat and home values are falling. It’s hard to pay for gas and groceries and if you put it on a credit card they’ve probably raised your rates.

You’re paying more than ever for health insurance that covers less and less.

This isn’t just a string of bad luck. The truth is that while you’ve been living up to your responsibilities, Washington has not.

That’s why we need change. Real change. This is no ordinary time and it shouldn’t be an ordinary election.

But much of this campaign has been consumed by petty attacks and distractions that have nothing to do with you or how we get America back on track.

Here’s what I believe we need to do:

* Reform our tax system to give a $1,000 tax break to the middle class instead of showering more on oil companies and corporations that outsource our jobs.

* End the “anything goes” culture on Wall Street with real regulation that protects your investments and pensions.

* Fast track a plan for energy ‘made-in-America’ that will free us from our dependence on mid-east oil in 10 years and put millions of Americans to work.

* Crack down on lobbyists – once and for all — so their back-room deal-making no longer drowns out the voices of the middle class and undermines our common interests as Americans.

* And yes, bring a responsible end to this war in Iraq so we stop spending billions each month rebuilding their country when we should be rebuilding ours.

Doing these things won’t be easy.

But we’re Americans. We’ve met tough challenges before. And we can again.

I’m Barack Obama. I hope you’ll read my economic plan. I approved this message because bitter, partisan fights and outworn ideas of the left and the right won’t solve the problems we face today. But a new spirit of unity and shared responsibility will.

A sucker . . . born every minute

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First came the looting of savings and loans across the nation, which, by the standard of today’s economic failures, was a quaint little hold-up.

It still gave us this delicious title: The Best Way to Rob a Bank is to Own One by William K. Black.

Have you heard of a better title for anything?

Maybe “The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas.”

But here, on pulp and in black and white, Black shows how our elected officials conspired with rogues to rob depositors, investors and workers of earnings and life savings.

Republican presidential nominee John McCain was there, acted as Charles Keating’s lookout for regulators.

Black, as Director of Litigation for the Federal Home Loan Bank Board, investigated the looting of the savings and loans industry. He reveals in his book how Keating and hundreds of other S&L rogues took advantage of a weak regulatory environment to perpetrate accounting fraud on a massive scale. In his expert insider’s account of the savings and loan debacle of the 1980s, Black shows how corrupt corporate executives—in collusion with regulators—defrauded  whole industries for their own personal gain.

Using the latest advances in criminology and economics, Black develops a theory of why “control fraud”—looting a company for personal profit—tends to occur in waves that make financial markets deeply inefficient.

He then pointed out how CEOs, using the same destructively fraudulent tactics, caused the business failures of the early 2000s that continue until today.

His prescription for stopping the periodic looting is active, independent regulators.

McCain, although he’s making different noise today, calls himself a free marketer still. He wants no regulations of the markets or industry.

Even as McCain was escaping censure by the skin of his teeth in the savings and loans debacle, McCain’s best bud in the United States Senate, Phil Gramm, was stalking a bigger quarry: Glass-Steagall Act.

Improper banking activities, such as commercial banks’ involvement in the stock market, was blamed for the 1929 stock market crash that led to the Great Depression. To prevent another depression, Congress passed the Glass-Steagall Act, which separated investment and commercial banking activities. The nation recovered, these industries functioned the way they were supposed and the American economy grew strong again.

Phil Gramm, who is now one of Sen. McCain campaign’s most influential economic advisors, fought to destroy Glass-Steagall and break the back of the American workers. It took him years but he eventually, in 1999, succeeded in passing the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act.

Out of that Gramm law flowed the calamitous collapses that followed–Enron, WorldCom, ImClone, Tyco, followed in recent days by the demise of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, Lehmann Bros., Merrill Lynch, and, momentarily, AIG should soon follow.

The collapses, of course, mean ruined the lives of countless investors, depositors, and employees.

Another McCain top economic advisor is Carly Fiorina who, when she was CEO of Hewlett-Packard, nearly drove the company into the ground after forcing through a controversial merger with Compaq Computers. By the time she left in 2005, the company lost half its value and suffered heavy job losses.

Somebody needs to ask McCain if he subscribe to Fiorina’s attitude about American workers, which she relayed to members of Congress on January 7, 2004:

“There is no job that is America’s God-given right anymore. We have to compete for jobs as a nation.”

The statement infuriated workers who felt that lower wages overseas encouraged U.S. corporations to use less-qualified, offshore workers, instead of better-qualified American ones.

The assaults on American workers by corporations, aided by elected officials who should be looking out for them, continue, of course. Industry after industry have devalued work that sustained American communities and shipped those jobs overseas to countries.

Unions, especially after World War II, led the growth of the American middle class, the largest economic expansion in history.

Elected leaders like McCain, acting as handmaidens for American corporations, against led the assault on unions and the jobs that sustained us as a nation.

But, if John McCain is now to be believed, he is going to be the bulwark that American families and workers should rely on. He had this to say at a rally in Florida today:

Mr. McCain vowed to take aim at what he called the “unbridled corruption and greed that caused the crisis on Wall Street.’’

And, guess how he plans to do this?

Yep, McCain wants to set up a commission to study the problem. You know, like the 9/11 Commission, whose recommendations were largely ignored by the administration that commissioned it.

What is the saying, there’s a sucker born every minute?

McCain knows by experience that Americans are suckers and that they will fall for anything. Afterall, how does a man who wallows in corruption and debacle after debacle, who is surrounded by the very worst offenders of what ails our nation, come out smelling like a rose every time, despite never changing his ways?

Doesn’t McCain shine bright as a paragon of virtue despite bedding down with corporate lobbyists preying on Americans even as we speak?


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AP News Dispatch:

McCain: Greed created Wall Street’s problems, By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS, Filed at 12:52 p.m. ET

TAMPA, Fla. (AP) — Republican presidential candidate John McCain says Wall Street’s financial turmoil is the result of unchecked corporate greed.The Republican says government must protect the public from investment schemes too complex for people to understand or regulate.McCain told a crowd of several thousand at a rally Tuesday in Tampa, Florida, that people have the right to know when their jobs and pensions and the entire economy are, in his words, ”being put at risk by recklessness on Wall Street.”

McCain has a reputation as a free-marketeer, but he says that Washington regulatory agencies need to be overhauled.

Instead of a dozen federal agencies behaving badly, he says the nation needs the best ones doing the right job.

Let me see if I follow this: The problem is corporate greed and John McCain is the solution?

The same John McCain? Certainly not the same McCain who, even now, is swaddled daily by corporate lobbyists. That McCain? Maybe he’ll appoint Charles Keating to help him police Wall Street. You know, the Keating who looted Lincoln Savings while McCain and four other United States senators acted at lookouts.

This is from Wikipedia:

In 1989, American Continental Corporation, the parent of Lincoln Savings, went bankrupt. More than 21,000 investors, most of them elderly, lost their life savings (in total about $285 million.) This occurred largely because they held securities backed by the parent company rather than deposits in the federally-insured institution — a distinction apparently lost on many if not most depositors until it was too late. The federal government covered almost $3 billion of Lincoln’s losses when it seized the institution. Many creditors were made whole, and the government then attempted to liquidate the seized assets through its Resolution Trust Corporation, often at pennies on the dollar compared to what the property had allegedly been worth and the valuation at which loans against it had been made.

In 1989, Keating was subpoenaed to testify before the House Banking Committee, but refused to answer questions, invoking his right against self-incrimination under the Fifth Amendment to the United States Constitution.

McCain and his wife Cindy, by their own accounts, stayed at Keating’s Bahamas vacation home about ten times. All the while, McCain was exercising influence to keep federal regulators off Keating’s back.

“The Best Way to Rob a Bank Is to Own One” is the title of the book written about the exploits of Keating and his U.S. Senate hand-holders.

How John McCain could utter the words “greed” and not fear being struck dead by lightning is beyond me.

Prophet Ralph

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On the morning of Monday, Nov. 1, 2004, the eve of voting for president that year, Ralph Nader held a Wall Street rally, at the corner of Wall and Nassau streets.

In light of his notorious role in the 2000 general election, Nader’s 2004 run was controversial among Democrats and his audience on Wall Street that day contained a sizable number of people opposed to him.

I searched for a copy of the speech and, failing that, news coverage of the speech. I was unable to find the speech and the scant news coverage of the rally focused more on protests against Nader.

Nader is, of course, running again this time around.

I should say that I was against Nader in 2000, 2004, and I am, again, not supporting his run for the presidency this time around.

But that does not mean that I do not think he has anything to contribute to the national discourse. His words on corporate governance and corporate involvement in our politics, especially, should be heeded.

A friend recently gave me a Nader campaign DVD that contained his 2004 Election Eve speech at his Cooper Union Rally in New York City and about a five-minute excerpt of his Wall Street speech. I am sharing those snippets because of the seismic events going on in our financial markets.

On corporate power and their involvement in politics. . .

For a society dedicated to equal justice under the law, you cannot have equal justice between human beings and corporations who can aggregate capital, technology, power, privileges and immunities unreachable by even the richest individual.

You’ll remember the famous BusinessWeek cover in September 2000 which declared “Too much corporate power?” and in seven pages of detail, the answer to the question “too much corporate power?” by BusinessWeek was yes, yes, yes. BusinessWeek declared “corporations should get out of politics.”

And, indeed, they should. They are not human beings. They do not vote. The do not have children. they are artificial entitites. They must be our servants, not our masters.

On the unbalanced distribution of wealth in corporate America . . .

There are large corporations in this country whose chief executives are making $7,000 an hour on the average while their workers are making $7 an hour in their company.

That means that in one day, that executive makes $56,000, more than that worker would make in three and quarter years of toil five days a week.

The system helps the top 10% and the top 5% and helps hysterically the top 1%, whose financial wealth is equivalent to the combined financial wealth of the bottom 95% of all Americans.

On tort reform . . .

Tort reform is another word that says that the powers of corporatism will move through legislatures to restrict the authority of people to sue corporations but not corporations to sue people.

This is another advance in the privileges and immunities of corporations, a relentless strategy year after year to immunize them from corporate accountability and responsibility, to allow them to privatize their profits while they socialize more and more of their risks on the back of the taxpayers.

On strategic corporate planning . . .

The collision between commercial value and civic value has been a longstanding struggle throughout the history of mankind. We should ask ourselves why is it that corporations spend so much time planning our future? It’s called strategic planning.

Corporations are planning and have been planning our political future, our job future, our economic future.

Isn’t it time for the people of this country to plan their own future in all these areas?

In jest, maybe

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Alright, this piece by New Yorker magazine’s Hendrik Hertzberg is funny, I think:


A neurologist friend, Dr. Richard Ransohoff, has drawn our attention to an early contribution to the suddenly burgeoning field of palinological studies.

It is hoped that this paper, published, in 1989, in the Swiss-based journalEuropean Neurology (Vol. 29, No. 6) may illuminate the phenomenon, often seen in Republican patients, whereby failed Bush policies are retained in policy-processing areas of the brain long after these policies have demonstrated themselves to be abject failures.

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Hollow man

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John McCain, King of Lies

If, unlike me, you don’t believe John McCain is a bad man, you have to be saddened by what has become of his campaign for the presidency.

McCain, at least at one time, gave lip service to high ideals and some principles. He talked about decency.

But that was then, this is now.

His current campaign has devolved into an avalanche of lies, innuendos and cynicism and he not only acknowledges them, he is threatening to continue spewing these shameful diatribes unless Sen. Barack Obama agrees to debate him in his preferred format, a town hall style debate.

From Thomas B. Edsall’s McGamble at HuffPo:

The McCain campaign, in running TV ads which defy prior political standards, is gambling that the traditional rules governing what is permissible in presidential     contests — as defined by the mainstream media — can safely be discarded this year.

The normally cautious and even-handed Associated Press on Thursday declared, “Even in a political culture accustomed to truth-stretching, McCain’s skirting of facts has stood out this week.” The controversies have surrounded McCain television commercials and stump speeches asserting that Barack Obama “supports” comprehensive sex education in kindergarten, that Obama called Sarah Palin a “pig in lipstick,” and that Palin stood firmly against the “bridge to nowhere” — despite videotape evidence that the Alaskan governor provided support for the earmark before she opposed it.

So far, based on polling over the past two weeks, McCain’s roll of the dice has paid off. Not only has McCain made substantial gains, pulling modestly ahead in most national polls, but his assaults on Obama appear to have damaged the Democratic Party as well, raising Republican hopes of minimizing House and Senate losses.

There was a time when I would actually rejoice in this, thinking the country would see through this.

But, McCain’s lies are working because they’re damaging Obama and helping McCain. These lies are not inconsequential. The McCain who spoke to that craven lot in Minnesota, the “Drill here, drill now; drill! drill! drill” crowd, was startled each time the horde applauded his lies. It was as if he could not believe that he was saying these things, but that these people were actually applauding him for it.

I mean, McCain came out at this convention and proclaimed himself an agent of change, jettisoning his earlier trope about being more experienced than Obama, and no one laughed at him. They cheered him instead and the press congratulated him.

This is the same McCain who took bribes to shield a savings and loans operator, Charles Keating, from regulators. The tax payers were left holding the bag when Keating’s bank went belly up. Was McCain disgraced? No. He emerged from this debacle with his reputation gleaming. Yeah, so why shouldn’t he come up to the Twin City and proclaim himself an agent of change?

The thing is, McCain may not have believed what he was saying but the collection of zealots and greed merchants who packed that St. Paul hall are believers and they’ll hold McCain to every one of his false promises.

But, how do you tell people one day that you want to end partisan rancor and then sow bitterness with lies the next day?

Sound economic fundamentals

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(Photo: Mark Lennihan/Associated Press
A figure in the window at Lehman Brothers headquarters in New York on Monday)

You get far away enough from a disaster and you don’t remember what it was like. In our case, the Depression was so long ago that it’s hard to imagine that we are in one.

Except this has the makings of a global economic meltdown.

And all during the intervening years since the Depression, people like McCain advisor and former United Senator from the state of Texas, Republican Phil Gramm, from his perch as chairman of the Senate Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs, whittled away all of the measures put in place to prevent another one from happening.

Gramm was the author of the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act, which did away with the Glass-Steagall law, which was put in place at the height of the Depression to limit the conflicts of interest created when commercial banks were permitted to underwrite stocks or bonds.

In the early part of the century, individual investors were seriously hurt by banks whose overriding interest was promoting stocks of interest and benefit to the banks, rather than to individual investors. Glass-Steagall Act banned commercial banks from underwriting securities, forcing banks to choose between being a simple lender or an underwriter (brokerage).

The also established the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), insuring bank deposits, and strengthened the Federal Reserve’s control over credit.

Gramm, who earlier this year complained that Americans had become a nation of whiners, was a particularly corrupt handmaiden to the banking industry. He was a lead economic advisor to John McCain, who keeps insisting the fundamentals of the American economy are strong, even as Americans lose their homes and jobs, and would have been a shoo-in for an economic cabinet position under the McCain administration.

These are dire economic times. The Depression must have felt like this. Banks are failing and Americans are losing their homes, their jobs and ways of life are falling by the wayside.

And, talk about being out of touch. Here’s McCain this morning talking about the catastrophe:

Our national leaders, meanwhile, are at sea about what to do. They keep rewarding the people who got the nation into this mess  with tax cuts and bailouts.

As our economy craters, shouldn’t we, to borrow a phrase from Harry Truman, attack these citadels of special privilege and greed, and drive the money changers from the temple?

Instead of bailing out Wall Street, should we be bailing out America’s Main Streets?

The Double Standard of Red or Blue

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The Central Virginia Progressive-The DAVISReport sent us this message:

Received part of this from a friend, Something to think about…

If you are a minority and you are selected for a job over more qualified candidates, you’re a “token hire.”
If you’re a conservative and you’re selected for a job over more qualified candidates, you’re a “game changer.”
Black teen pregnancies? A “crisis.”
White teen pregnancies? A “blessed event.”
If you grow up in Hawaii, you’re “exotic.”
Grow up in Alaska eating mooseburgers, you’re the “quintessential American story.”
Name you kid Barack you’re “unpatriotic.”
Name your kid Track, you’re “colorful.”
If you’re a Democrat and you make a VP pick without fully vetting the individual, you’re “reckless.”
A Republican who doesn’t fully vet is a “maverick.”
If you spend three years as a community organizer growing your organization from a staff of 1 to a staff of 13 and your budget from $70,000 to $400,000, distinguish yourself as the first black President of the Harvard Law Review, create a voter registration drive that registers 150,000 new African-American voters, spend 12 years as a Constitutional Law professor, then spend nearly eight more years as a State Senator representing a district with over 750,000 people, becoming chairman of the state Senate’s Health and Human Services committee, then spend four years in the United States Senate representing a state of nearly 13 million people, sponsoring 131 bills and serving on the Foreign Affairs, Environment, Public Works and Veteran’s Affairs committees, you are woefully inexperienced.
If you spend four years on the town council and six years as the mayor of a town with apprx. 6,000 people, then spend 18 months as the governor of a state with 675,000 people, then you’ve got the most executive experience of anyone on either ticket. As the Commander in Chief of the Alaska military you are well qualified to lead the nation should you be called upon to do so because your state is the closest state to Russia.
If you are a popular Democratic male candidate, you are an “arrogant celebrity.”
If you are a popular Republican female candidate, you are “energizing the base.”
If you are a younger male candidate who thinks for himself and makes his own decisions, you are “presumptuous.”
If you are an older male candidate who makes last-minute decisions you refuse to explain, you are a “shoot from the hip” maverick.
If you are a candidate with a Harvard law degree, you are an elitist, out of touch with the real America.
If you are a legacy (dad and granddad were admirals) graduate of Annapolis with multiple disciplinary infractions, you are a hero.
If you managed a multi-million dollar nationwide campaign, you are an “empty suit.”
If you are a part time mayor of a town of apprx. 6,000 people with a town manager to assist you ,you are an “experienced executive.”
If you go to a South Side Chicago church, your beliefs are “extremist.”
If you believe in creationism, don’t believe global warming is man-made, and stated the Iraq War “is from God” you are “strongly principled.”
If you cheated on your disfigured wife and left her to marry a rich young heiress, you’re the family values Christian candidate.
If you have been married to the same woman for 19 years and are raising two beautiful daughters, you’re “risky.”
If you’re a black single mother of four who waits for 22 hours after her water breaks to seek medical attention, you’re an irresponsible parent, endangering the life of your unborn child.
If you’re a white married mother of four who waits 22 hours after her water breaks to seek medical attention, you’re spunky.
If you teach abstinence only in sex education, you get teen parents.
If you teach responsible age-appropriate sex education, including the proper use of birth control, you’re eroding the fiber of society.
If you believe separation of church and state is the cornerstone of our Constitution and will defend it, your against fundamental Christian values.
If you happily blur these lines, you’re God’s Warrior – Wait, what country is this?
Your thoughts?

The DAVISReport

Posted by www.EileenDavis.blogspot.com The Davis Report – The Voice of Central Virginia and the Capital City.