

Steve Young for Congress

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More Republican Scandals- The Video by Steve Young


I don’t know how much of a chance this guy has winning the Congressional seat in Orange County, California. He is a Democrat. He made a Facebook friend’s request of me a few days ago, which I accepted. Then he wrote on my wall, including links. Take a look and, if you support his message, maybe you can donate to his campaign:
Thank you for accepting me as a friend. I am an elected delegate for Obama to the national convention, and a candidate for Congress in the Ca-48 district.
I have compressed 8 years of scandals into a 3 1/2 minute music video I made. I call it “More Republican Scandals.” You can watch it by hitting the link below.

Carlin, R.I.P. (May 12, 1937-June 22, 2008)

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I posted a couple of bits by comic George Carlin last week. He was very, very funny. He took ill yesterday and died. A couple of obits:

Comedian George Carlin Dies

One of America’s most popular and often controversial comedians, George Carlin, died in Santa Monica, California. He was 71.

How George Carlin Changed Comedy

When the culture began to change in the late 1960s — when the old one-liner comics on the Ed Sullivan Show were looking pretty tired and irrelevant to a younger generation experimenting with drugs and protesting the War in Vietnam — George Carlin was the most important stand-up comedian in America. By the time he died Sunday night (of heart failure at age 71), the transformation he helped bring about in stand-up comedy had become so ingrained that it’s hard to think of Carlin as one of America’s most radical and courageous artists. But he was.

Say It Ain’t So: George Carlin Dies

How many TV news orgs will say the seven words?

George Carlin is dead, but his words live on. Especially his big seven from his monologue “Seven Words You Can Never Say on Television” on the 1972 album Class Clown:








From the voice, a transcript of the routine:

I love words. I thank you for hearing my words. I want to tell you something about words that I uh, I think is important. I love..as I say, they’re my work, they’re my play, they’re my passion. Words are all we have really.

We have thoughts, but thoughts are fluid. You know, [humming]. And, then we assign a word to a thought, [clicks tongue]. And we’re stuck with that word for that thought. So be careful with words. I like to think, yeah, the same words that hurt can heal. It’s a matter of how you pick them.

There are some people that aren’t into all the words. There are some people who would have you not use certain words. Yeah, there are 400,000 words in the English language, and there are seven of them that you can’t say on television. What a ratio that is. 399,993 to seven. They must really be bad. They’d have to be outrageous, to be separated from a group that large. All of you over here, you seven. Bad words. That’s what they told us they were, remember? ‘That’s a bad word.’ ‘Awwww.’ There are no bad words. Bad thoughts. Bad Intentions.

And words, you know the seven don’t you? Shit, Piss, Fuck, Cunt, Cocksucker, Motherfucker, and Tits, huh? Those are the heavy seven. Those are the ones that will infect your soul, curve your spine and keep the country from winning the war.

Shit, Piss, Fuck, Cunt, Cocksucker, Motherfucker, and Tits, wow. Tits doesn’t even belong on the list, you know. It’s such a friendly sounding word. It sounds like a nickname. ‘Hey, Tits, come here. Tits, meet Toots, Toots, Tits, Tits, Toots.’ It sounds like a snack doesn’t it? Yes, I know, it is, right. But I don’t mean the sexist snack, I mean, New Nabisco Tits. The new Cheese Tits, and Corn Tits and Pizza Tits, Sesame Tits Onion Tits, Tater Tits, Yeah. Betcha can’t eat just one. That’s true I usually switch off . But I mean that word does not belong on the list.

Actually, none of the words belong on the list, but you can understand why some of them are there. I am not completely insensitive to people’s feelings. You know, I can dig why some of those words got on the list…like cocksucker and motherfucker. Those are…those are heavy-weight words. There’s a lot going on there, man. Besides the literal translation and the emotional feeling. They’re just busy words. There’s a lot of syllables to contend with. And those K’s. Those are aggressive sounds, they jump out at you. CocksuckerMotherfuckerCocksucker. It’s like an assault, on you. So I can dig that.

And we mentioned shit earlier, of course. Two of the other 4-letter Anglo-Saxon words are Piss and Cunt, which go together of course. But forget about that. A little accidental humor there. Piss and Cunt. The reason Piss and Cunt are on the list is that a long time ago certain ladies said ‘Those are the two I am not going to say. I don’t mind Fuck and Shit, but P and C are out. P and C are out.’ Which led to such stupid sentences as ‘OK, you fuckers, I am going to tinkle now.’

And of course the word Fuck. The word Fuck, I don’t really…well, this is some more accidental humor, but I don’t really want to get into that now. Because I think it takes too long. But I do mean that. I mean, I think the word fuck is an important word. It’s the beginning of life, and, yet it’s a word we use to hurt one other, quite often. And uh, people much wiser than I have said, I’d rather have my son watch a film with two people making love than two people trying to kill one other. And I of course agree. I wish I know who said it first, and I agree with that. But I would like to take it a step further. I would like to substitute the word fuck, for the word kill in all those movie cliches we grew up with. ‘Okay Sheriff, we’re gonna fuck ya now. But we’re gonna fuck ya slow.’ So maybe next year I’ll have a whole fuckin’ rap on that word. I hope so.

Uh, there are two-way words, but those are the seven you can never say on television. Under any circumstances you just can not say them ever, ever ever, not even clinically. You can not weave them in the panel with Doc and Ed and Johnny, I mean it’s just impossible, forget those seven, they’re out.

But, there are some two-way words. There are double-meaning words. Remember the ones your giggled at in sixth grade? ‘And the cock crowed three times.”Hey, the cock the cock crowed three times. It’s in the bible.’ There are some Two-way words, like it’s okay for Curt Gowdy [mis-spelled in original transcription. -ed.] to say ‘Roberto Clemente has two balls on him.’ But he can’t say, ‘I think he hurt his balls on that play Tony, don’t you? He’s holding them. He must have hurt them by God.’ And the other two-way word that goes with that one is prick. It’s okay if it happens to your finger. Yes, you can prick your finger, but don’t finger your prick. No, no.

Opening shot

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“Country I Love”

I’m Barack Obama. America is a country of strong families and strong values.

My life’s been blessed by both. I was raised by a single mom and my grandparents.

We didn’t have much money, but they taught me values straight from the Kansas heartland where they grew up.

Accountability and self-reliance. Love of country. Working hard without making excuses. Treating your neighbor as you’d like to be treated.

It’s what guided me as I worked my way up — taking jobs and loans to make it through college. It’s what led me to pass up Wall Street jobs and go to Chicago instead, helping neighborhoods devastated when steel plants closed.

That’s why I passed laws moving people from welfare to work, cut taxes for working families and extended health care for wounded troops who’d been neglected.

I approved this message because I’ll never forget those values, and if I have the honor of taking the oath of office as president, it will be with a deep and abiding faith in the country I love.”

Political news from CNN and others

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Edwards recently said that while he is not interested in the vice presidency, he hasn't ruled it out if asked.

WASHINGTON (AP) — There’s new information about the hunt for a running mate for Barack Obama.

A member of the Congressional Black Caucus who’s met with Obama’s vice-presidential screening team says she offered the names of former senators John Edwards and Sam Nunn — and was told they’re on the list. Congresswoman Carolyn Cheeks Kilpatrick of Michigan says when she mentioned that Al Gore is her favorite, the two members of Obama’s team smiled.

Kilpatrick wouldn’t say which names Obama’s team brought up.

Lawmakers who’ve been briefed say there are about 20 names on the prospective vice-presidential list, which is said to include current elected officials, former elected officials, and retired military generals.

Compiled by Mary Grace Lucas

CNN Washington Bureau

AP: Williams to do `Meet the Press’ Sunday
Top NBC anchorman Brian Williams will host the next “Meet the Press” but the network hasn’t chosen who will permanently replace Tim Russert, an NBC News spokeswoman said Thursday.

Washington Post: McCain Raises Money the Hard Way
John McCain’s campaign treated the news of Barack Obama abandoning the public financing system with the expected disdain, calling it evidence that Obama is “just another typical politician who will do and say whatever is most expedient for Barack Obama.”

Chicago Tribune: Without public funding, sky’s the limit for Obama
‘Raising a half-billion dollars is a very realistic figure for him,’ strategist says.

NY Times: For Bush, a New Town, a New Disaster, but Always the Memory of New Orleans
Try as he might, President Bush cannot escape the haunting memory of Hurricane Katrina. Mr. Bush toured flood-stricken areas here on Thursday, the latest in a string of disaster-zone visits he has made in his role as comforter in chief.

CNN: House approves war funding plan
Military operations in Iraq and Afghanistan would be funded into early 2009 under a compromise plan approved Thursday by the U.S. House.

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Alright. Look that word up today and it’ll have a picture of a two-headed monster named Tannin and Cioffi.

Don’t get me wrong: Ralph Cioffi and Matthew Tannin are probably guilty of a lot more  than they’re being charged with here. But, are they the biggest crooks on Wall Street? Can anybody tell me what these two Bear Stearns executives did that thousands of Wall Streeters don’t do every single day and run merrily all the way the bank?

This arrest, with the requisite perp walk reminiscent of the stunts that old demagogue Rudy Giuliani used to pull, is simply to draw attention away from the crooked deal that U.S. Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson struck to get Bear Stearns into the hands of JP Morgan Chase.

The American people were left holding the bag in that deal.

The fact is we are surrounded by these thieves, including Mr. Paulson, formerly of Goldman Sachs, in government who preside over the wholesale looting of the American tTreasury on behalf of the wealthy at the expense of poor and working class Americans.

People worry whether Barack Obama is an American and vote for people who then turn around and devastate the American way of life through crooked deals like the one Paulson cooked up here.

Who will tell the people? Will we hear? Better yet, what are we going to do about it?

Snoop Dogg – My Medicine (Official Music Video)

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Snoop with Willie Nelson. This is way too cool!

Alright, so I can’t say that I’m the most dedicated country music aficionado out there but this is, simply, the best and most effective country music song I’ve ever heard.

Snoop Dogg’s ‘My Medicine’ lyrics

I Like to dedicate this record here
to my main man Johny Cash
A real American gangster
I got my nephew Whitey Ford on the guitar
Young Treb on the drums
Grand ol’ Opry
Here we come

Jack me nimble, jack me quick
jack of the spoon on the candlestick
don’t stay pimpin’ on the one trick only
yeah she kinda skinny but she gets my money

Get my money
buy my medicine
buy my medicine
buy my medicine x2

You know I’ve got to have that medicine
That prescription medicine baby
You know purple orange green

Jack starts hanging round with the fiends
Got strung out sold and count of beans
Told young wifey he got love your honey
But you gotta hit the streets
go and get my money

Ref x2

The more dedicated the more medicated
Can you feel me?

Girl my love gonna last
just as long as my high

And I’m high
All day, everyday

You can trust every word
I’m gonna say will be a lie

Yeah, I lie sometimes

What’s the use of the truth
if you can’t get a lie sometimes baby
Now, dig this

Jack starts a track up and down a hill,
gotta walk and think “an ace what he told to Jill”
Come rain, come shine, come snow of a sunny
Get the f**k out girl and get my money

Ref x2

They say you can’t buy me love
but you damn sure can buy me bud

Girl my love gonna last
just as long as my high

Oh, I’m so high right now
how about you?

You can trust every word
I’m gonna tell you is a lie

Liar, liar pants on fire

Girl, I love you
I love you though