

Hoisted by his own petard

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My friend Lucy Wilson (not her real name), in a e-mail, wrote that she found the bit where Lieberman whispered into McCain’s ear and then McCain saying, “uh I mean the Iranians are training the extremists, not Al Qaeda” particularly funny. “Are you serious? That was a comedy routine.”

A story to go with the pictures

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Obama rallies tens of thousands at Portland waterfront, Posted by The Oregonian May 19, 2008 06:15AM

Tens of thousands jammed Gov. Tom McCall Waterfront Park in Portland today to watch Barack Obama wrap up a busy weekend in Oregon and a historic campaign for the Democratic presidential nomination.

The Portland Fire Bureau estimated the crowd at 72,000. About 60,000 squeezed inside the gates and 12,000 watched from outside.

It was a record crowd for an Oregon political event. In 2004, an estimated 50,000 turned out to see Democrat John Kerry, who brought along movie idol Leonardo DiCaprio and rocker Jon Bon Jovi.
Obama was the biggest star at Sunday’s gathering -though a popular Portland band, The Decemberists, provided the warm-up act. With blue skies and temperatures in the 80s, thousands waited in lines that snaked through downtown Portland streets.

“We just wanted to see him,” said Norman Yoshida, 64, of Portland. “We need somebody who can be inspirational, and he inspires.”

The event capped a weekend of Oregon campaigning for Obama and Democrat Hillary Clinton. After so many states moved their primaries ahead on the calendar, political strategists assumed the Democratic presidential nominee would be decided well ahead of Oregon’s May 20 primary.

But Oregon is still very much in play.

Neither candidate can gain enough delegates with the primaries in Oregon and Kentucky on Tuesday to clinch the nomination. But Obama hopes Oregon will give him the majority of the pledged delegates. Meanwhile, Clinton, who is behind in Oregon and ahead in Kentucky, could use a strong showing to prove she’s the best candidate to face Republican John McCain in November.

Clinton left Oregon for Kentucky after a televised town hall meeting Friday, but former President Bill Clinton and daughter Chelsea stayed behind Saturday and today to crisscross the state talking to voters.

Sporting a blue “Hillary 2008” baseball cap, the former president told more than 1,000 people at Salem’s sun-drenched Riverfront Park to ignore the growing news media consensus that Sen. Barack Obama of Illinois has all but wrapped up the nomination.
“Don’t you let anyone tell you she can’t win,” Clinton said. “You can still make your voices heard.”

Obama started and ended his day speaking to smaller crowds in Gresham and Pendleton.

This morning, he met with seniors at the Huntington Terrace assisted-living center. Obama, who needs to boost his chances with senior voters, promised to protect the Social Security system by expanding the payroll tax so that it applies to people with incomes above $102,000 a year. “We have an obligation to secure the future of one of the most successful programs in history,” he said.

Tonight, Obama held another town hall at the Pendleton Convention Center in easter Oregon. About 3,000 people attended.

But the big party was in Portland.

Obama’s first words to the cheering crowd: “Wow.” “Wow.” And “Wow.”
“This is spectacular,” he said.

Obama’s wife, Michelle, and two daughters joined him on the stage. The candidate spoke for about 40 minutes, drawing some of the loudest applause when he promised to end the Iraq war and when he said other cities need to follow the lead Portland has taken on mass transit and alternative energy.

The Obama campaign supplied plastic beach balls that were batted around the crowd. Rock music blared, a few people danced and volunteers handed out cups of water.
Some in the crowd said they’d already voted for Clinton.
“I actually didn’t vote for Obama,” said Tita Compere, 25, who spent 10 hours Saturday volunteering for Hillary Clinton’s campaign. But Compere was impressed by the crowd’s diversity, something she felt was lacking in Clinton’s televised Friday night event. “It was just 40-year-old white women,” she said.

Some in the crowd were still undecided.

This will be the first time Elizabeth Dorman, 18, gets to vote. As she stood in line with her mother, Robin, 48, she said she likes both Clinton and Obama. “I’m still wavering,” she said.

Several people talked about the historical significance of this year’s campaigns. Before the candidate took the stage, many turned their digital cameras to record the huge crowd.

Politically, the afternoon on Portland’s Waterfront Park needed to accomplish two things for Obama, said Jim Moore, a political science professor at Pacific University.
Sunday’s event needed to remind his enthusiastic young supporters not to forget to turn in their ballots. And it must position Obama against McCain in a state that might be a battleground state in November, Moore said.

Obama mentioned Clinton a few times Sunday. But he spent most of his time talking about McCain. He said a McCain presidency would mean a third term for George W. Bush.
“If you vote for me, then I promise we won’t just win Oregon, we’ll win this nomination and the election in November,” he said.

Devin McClain, 23, flew up from San Diego to volunteer for the campaign and see the speech. She said the campaign meant a lot to her personally because like Obama, her father is black and her mother is white. “I thought it was amazing,” she said afterwards. “Actually, I started crying.”

In wrapping up the case for his wife, Bill Clinton did not criticize Obama. Instead, he directed his sharpest comments at the news media, citing what he said were recent studies that concluded that the Democratic primary campaign had been the subject of “the most biased, one-sided media coverage in the history of American politics,” and Democratic Party officials for their handling of the disputed primaries in Florida and Michigan.

Hillary Clinton won both the Florida and Michigan primaries, although neither she nor Obama campaigned in those states and Obama’s name did not appear on the Michigan ballot. Because both states broke Democratic Party rules by moving their primaries forward, the party has threatened to void their delegates.

In Salem, Clinton received a rousing introduction from Gov. Ted Kulongoski, who has remained a staunchly loyal Hillary Clinton superdelegate, one of the delegates not bound by state voting results.

Kulongoski called the New York senator “the most competent person. . .the smartest person. . .the person most qualified from day one” to be the next president.

Bill Clinton outlined his wife’s detailed plans on the economy, energy and health care, and made a special appeal to young people, who have been a bulwark of Obama’s support. He said many of them could expect a long life span, and that Hillary Clinton would increase funding for research into health issues affecting the elderly.

Clinton and his daughter began their day at Woodlawn Elementary School in Northeast Portland, promoting the work of the I Have A Dream Foundation, which encourages low-income children to graduate from high school and go to college. Dressed in blue jeans, a black T-shirt and running shoes, the former president spent several minutes on his hands and knees planting tomato seedlings in the school’s community garden while providing a running discourse on the best planting methods to a group of youngsters.

Before traveling to Salem, the Clintons stopped for lunch at Mother’s Bistro in downtown Portland, where downtown streets were clogged with people heading for Gov. Tom McCall Waterfront Park and a massive rally featuring Obama.

The Clintons ended the day at another rally in Ashland, the last major Clinton campaign event before ballot counting begins.

— Michelle Cole; michellecole@news.oregonian.com

— The Oregonian’s Ashbel S. Green, Dave Hogan, Noelle Crombie and Whitney Malkin contributed to this posting.

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it's all politics

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Compiled by Jonathan Helman and Mary Grace Lucas, CNN Washington Bureau

Washington Post: Clinton Quiet About Own Radical Ties
When Hillary Rodham Clinton questioned rival Barack Obama’s ties to 1960s radicals, her comments baffled two retired Bay Area lawyers who knew Clinton in the summer of 1971 when she worked as an intern at a left-wing law firm in Oakland, Calif., that defended communists and Black Panthers.

USA Today: GOP departures to cost party millions
The number of Republicans leaving Congress will cost the GOP millions of dollars in party-building funds for the fall congressional elections, campaign-finance records show.

Washington Post: Iran Remains Key Concern as Bush Returns
As he toured the Middle East over the past five days, President Bush tried to shore up support for his strategy of isolating Iran in meetings with the leaders of Israel, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Egypt and the Palestinian territories. But the one session that did not take place laid bare the problems his administration faces as it tries to persuade its allies to keep the faith.

LA Times: John McCain and Barack Obama Offer Two Visions of the Supreme Court
John McCain and Barack Obama, the two leading presidential candidates, have set out sharply contrasting views on the role of the Supreme Court and the kind of justices they would appoint.

AP: Obama warns seniors on Social Security threats
Democrat Barack Obama told seniors Sunday that Republican John McCain would threaten the Social Security that they and millions like them depend on because he supports privatizing the program.

NY Times: McCain to Rely on Party Money
Pivoting toward the general election, Senator Barack Obama is turning again to his history-making fund-raising machine, which helped to anoint him as a contender against Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton and then became a potent weapon in their battle for the Democratic nomination. To confront the Obama juggernaut, Senator John McCain, whose fund-raising has badly trailed that of his Democratic counterparts, is leaning on the Republican National Committee.

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the political wires . . .

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Compiled by Jonathan Helman and Mary Grace Lucas, CNN Washington Bureau

Washington Post: Clinton Quiet About Own Radical Ties
When Hillary Rodham Clinton questioned rival Barack Obama’s ties to 1960s radicals, her comments baffled two retired Bay Area lawyers who knew Clinton in the summer of 1971 when she worked as an intern at a left-wing law firm in Oakland, Calif., that defended communists and Black Panthers.

USA Today: GOP departures to cost party millions
The number of Republicans leaving Congress will cost the GOP millions of dollars in party-building funds for the fall congressional elections, campaign-finance records show.

Washington Post: Iran Remains Key Concern as Bush Returns
As he toured the Middle East over the past five days, President Bush tried to shore up support for his strategy of isolating Iran in meetings with the leaders of Israel, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Egypt and the Palestinian territories. But the one session that did not take place laid bare the problems his administration faces as it tries to persuade its allies to keep the faith.

LA Times: John McCain and Barack Obama Offer Two Visions of the Supreme Court
John McCain and Barack Obama, the two leading presidential candidates, have set out sharply contrasting views on the role of the Supreme Court and the kind of justices they would appoint.

AP: Obama warns seniors on Social Security threats
Democrat Barack Obama told seniors Sunday that Republican John McCain would threaten the Social Security that they and millions like them depend on because he supports privatizing the program.

NY Times: McCain to Rely on Party Money
Pivoting toward the general election, Senator Barack Obama is turning again to his history-making fund-raising machine, which helped to anoint him as a contender against Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton and then became a potent weapon in their battle for the Democratic nomination. To confront the Obama juggernaut, Senator John McCain, whose fund-raising has badly trailed that of his Democratic counterparts, is leaning on the Republican National Committee.

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Ted Kennedy

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Conflicting reports out of Massachusetts today said Sen. Ted Kennedy, (D-Mass.,) suffered an apparent seizure. I hope he recovers. He’s one of our best fighters.

It was both a tragic and triumphant time on the public stage for the liberal lion. And I’m not talking about the death of his brothers. Mainly I refer to the young woman he caused to die and the dissolution of his first marriage.

I am sharing this speech because it exemplifies both his promise and his weakness. It came at the end of a vainglorious and doomed run for the presidential nomination against a president of his own party (he was largely blamed for Jimmy Carter’s loss in 1980, although I think Carter did not do much to help himself in that race.

In giving up the run, Kennedy gave one of the best speeches in the history of American political rhetoric.

1980 Democratic National Convention Address

Delivered 12 August 1980, New York, NY

Ted Kennedy at the 1980 Democratic Party National Convention

Thanks very much, Barbara Mikulski, for your very eloquent, your eloquent introduction. Distinguished legislator, great spokeswoman for economic democracy and social justice in this country, I thank you for your eloquent introduction.

Well, things worked out a little different from the way I thought, but let me tell you, I still love New York.

My fellow Democrats and my fellow Americans, I have come here tonight not to argue as a candidate but to affirm a cause.

I’m asking you — I am asking you to renew the commitment of the Democratic Party to economic justice.

I am asking you to renew our commitment to a fair and lasting prosperity that can put America back to work.

This is the cause that brought me into the campaign and that sustained me for nine months across a 100,000 miles in 40 different states. We had our losses, but the pain of our defeats is far, far less than the pain of the people that I have met.

We have learned that it is important to take issues seriously, but never to take ourselves too seriously.

The serious issue before us tonight is the cause for which the Democratic Party has stood in its finest hours, the cause that keeps our Party young and makes it, in the second century of its age, the largest political Party in this republic and the longest lasting political Party on this planet.

Our cause has been, since the days of Thomas Jefferson, the cause of the common man and the common woman.

Our commitment has been, since the days of Andrew Jackson, to all those he called “the humble members of society — the farmers, mechanics, and laborers.” On this foundation we have defined our values, refined our policies, and refreshed our faith.

Now I take the unusual step of carrying the cause and the commitment of my campaign personally to our national convention. I speak out of a deep sense of urgency about the anguish and anxiety I have seen across America.

I speak out of a deep belief in the ideals of the Democratic Party, and in the potential of that Party and of a President to make a difference. And I speak out of a deep trust in our capacity to proceed with boldness and a common vision that will feel and heal the suffering of our time and the divisions of our Party.

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Obama seeks focus on end of primary campaign

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EUGENE, Oregon (AP) — Attempting to lay a symbolic claim to his party’s presidential nomination, Democrat Barack Obama will mark the latest round of primary voting with a rally in Iowa, where his solid win in January caucuses propelled him to his status as the front-runner.

Obama was campaigning Saturday for primaries Tuesday in Oregon and Kentucky as his aides announced the rally on primary night in Iowa, which they described as “a critical general election state that Democrats must win in November.”

Rival Hillary Rodham Clinton has a strong lead in polls in Kentucky, but Obama has the advantage in Oregon.

Obama has built a solid lead in Democratic National Convention delegates over Clinton, and is working overtime to cast an image of inevitability to his campaign for the nomination. In recent days, he has spent more time focused on his differences with certain Republican nominee John McCain than sparring with Clinton.

Iowa has been a swing state in recent elections. Democrat Al Gore narrowly carried the state in 2000, and President Bush collected the state’s seven electoral votes by just over 10,000 votes in 2004. Since that time, however, Democrats have build a substantial edge in registered voters, and turnout in the January precinct caucuses was at record levels.
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Florida, Michigan cannot save Clinton

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WASHINGTON (AP) – Michigan and Florida alone can’t save Hillary Rodham Clinton’s campaign.

Interviews with those considering how to handle the two states’ banished convention delegates found little interest in the former first lady’s best-case scenario. Her position, part of a formidable comeback challenge, is that all the delegates be seated in accordance with their disputed primaries.

Even if they were, it wouldn’t erase Barack Obama’s growing lead in delegates.

 The Democratic Party’s Rules and Bylaws Committee, a 30-member panel charged with interpreting and enforcing party rules, is to meet May 31 to consider how to handle Michigan and Florida’s 368 delegates.

Last year, the panel imposed the harshest punishment it could render against the two states after they scheduled primaries in January, even though they were instructed not to vote until Feb. 5 or later. Michigan and Florida lost all their delegates to the national convention, and all the Democratic candidates agreed not to campaign in the two states, stripping them of all the influence they were trying to build by voting early.

But now there is agreement on all sides that at least some of the delegates should be restored in a gesture of party unity and respect to voters in two general election battlegrounds.

Clinton has been arguing for full reinstatement, which would boost her standing. She won both states, even though they didn’t count toward the nomination and neither candidate campaigned in them. Obama even had his name pulled from Michigan’s ballot.

The Associated Press interviewed a third of the panel members and several other Democrats involved in the negotiations and found widespread agreement that the states must be punished for stepping out of line. If not, many members say, other states will do the same thing in four years.

“We certainly want to be fair to both candidates, and we want to be sure that we are fair to the 48 states who abided by the rules,” said Democratic National Committee Secretary Alice Germond, a panel member unaligned with either candidate. “We don’t want absolute chaos for 2012.

“We want to reach out to Michigan and Florida and seat some group of delegates in some manner, at least most of us do. These are two critical states for the general (election) and the voters of those states who were not the people who caused this awful conundrum to occur deserve our attention and deserve to be a part of our process and deserve to be at the convention,” she said.

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British Army faces public inquiry over Baha Mousa death

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by Aislinn Simpson, 5/15/2008

The British Army will face a public inquiry over the torture and subsequent death of an Iraqi hotel worker in its custody, the Defence Secretary confirmed on Wednesday.

The Defence Secretary Des Browne said in a written statement to Parliament that a public enquiry would ensure lessons could be learned.

Baha Mousa suffered 93 separate injuries and died of asphyxia while he was held by the Queen’s Lancashire Regiment at a British Army base in Basra in September 2003.

Seven members of the QLR faced court martial over the incident but all were eventually acquitted, including QLR commanding officer Colonel Jorge Mendonca.

One, Corporal Donald Payne, 35, became the first British serviceman to admit a war crime, that of treating Iraqi prisoners inhumanely and was jailed for a year.

Mr Mousa’s family and eight other Iraqis held in custody launched a claim for compensation through the British courts and the Government admitted it breached the 26-year-old father of two’s human rights and would pay damages.
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