

A misnomer

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I can’t say that I’ve ever spent much time pondering why they call this class of computer electronics ‘smart phone,’ but now that John Lancaster mentions it . . .

Here’s Mr. Lancaster:

There is no getting around the fact that the things sound demoralisingly nerdy. To the lay consumer, what “smart” means is “horribly complicated, unnecessarily over-specified, dominated by features no sane person will ever use, liable to do ruinously expensive things to your data tariff without your realising until too late, and weirdly bad at everyday stuff like, you know, making phone calls”.

I want an i Phone, of course, but not at the going rate. The writer had one and marvels at what’s coming down the pike:

So the task for the manufacturers is to make smartphones as simple-seeming and easy as possible, and let the features sort of sneak up on the user – and one way round this is to make the interface as intuitive as possible, so the underlying complexity is hidden. That way, non-nerds will buy them. Engineers need careful handling if they’re to do this right: consider the VCR, for instance, which over time got more rather than less complicated, so that nobody over the age of about 30 could make one work.

LG has had a good go at this and the KF600 menu structure is about as clear and helpful as anything apart from Apple’s iPhone. It uses two screens, the lower one a sliding touch screen with four-way arrows, and the menus are context-sensitive and interactive in a helpful way: so when you’re playing music, they’re play and pause controls; when you’re scrolling through contacts, they’re to do with ways of contacting people, and so on. The phone puts few obstacles in the way of actually being used. I had to RTFM a couple of times, but nothing untoward. And call quality is OK – not fabulous, but OK.

As to whether the phone will win converts, I’m not so sure. My first ever smartphone was an iPhone, and it’s a marvel of usability – but it also makes me keenly aware of just how miraculous these phones are about to be, a year or two down the line, when they have 3G and GPS that really, truly works. That, for the lay user, will mean broadband everywhere, all the time, and that your phone knows exactly where you are. That will seriously rock.

Not so midas

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If you’re Apple, I would have to think this is probably not a problem you want to be having.

I want my own macbook pro oh so bad. But, is this a problem I should be taking into consideration? My personal experience with Apple is that the products are very good quality and that they’ve taken care of any problem that I’ve had with products promptly. But I’d rather not have the problem in the first place.

As this Guardian article notes, it’s a long-standing problem and caused the demise of one cool apple product, the cube computer.

‘Renewing the American Economy’

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Text of Sen. Barack Obama’s speech at Cooper Union in New York on Friday, March 27, 2008, as prepared for delivery and provided to The New York Times by his campaign.

I want to thank Mayor Bloomberg for his extraordinary leadership. At a time when Washington is divided in old ideological battles, he shows us what can be achieved when we bring people together to seek pragmatic solutions. Not only has he been a remarkable leader for New York –he has established himself as a major voice in our national debate on issues like renewing our economy, educating our children, and seeking energy independence. Mr. Mayor, I share your determination to bring this country together to finally make progress for the American people.

In a city of landmarks, we meet at Cooper Union, just uptown from Federal Hall, where George Washington took the oath of office as the first President of the United States. With all the history that has passed through the narrow canyons of lower Manhattan, it is worth taking a moment to reflect on the role that the market has played in the development of the American story.

The great task before our Founders that day was putting into practice the ideal that government could simultaneously serve liberty and advance the common good. For Alexander Hamilton, the young Secretary of the Treasury, that task was bound to the vigor of the American economy.
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I have been saying all along that media types are suckers for Sen. John McCain, (R-AZ), especially over at Newsweek. I don’t know why he wastes money having a media relations staff when most people in the industry are more than happy to be his toady.

Now, Neal Gabler explores the issue on the op-ed page of the Times.

The Audacity to Hope

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‘Audacity to Hope,’ pt. 1

The full text of Jeremiah Wright’s “Audacity To Hope” sermon in 1990:
Several years ago while I was in Richmond, the Lord allowed me to be in that city during the week of the annual convocation at Virginia Union University School of Theology. There I heard the preaching and teaching of Reverend Frederick G. Sampson of Detroit, Michigan. In one of his lectures, Dr. Sampson spoke of a painting I remembered studying in humanities courses back in the late ’50s. In Dr. Sampson’s powerful description of the picture, he spoke of it being a study in contradictions, because the title and the details on the canvas seem to be in direct opposition.
The painting’s title is “Hope.” It shows a woman sitting on top of the world, playing a harp. What more enviable position could one ever hope to achieve than being on top of the world with everyone dancing to your music?
As you look closer, the illusion of power gives way to the reality of pain. The world on which this woman sits, our world, is torn by war, destroyed by hate, decimated by despair, and devastated by distrust. The world on which she sits seems on the brink of destruction. Famine ravages millions of inhabitants in one hemisphere, while feasting and gluttony are enjoyed by inhabitants of another hemisphere. This world is a ticking time bomb, with apartheid in one hemisphere and apathy in the other. Scientists tell us there are enough nuclear warheads to wipe out all forms of life except cockroaches. That is the world on which the woman sits in Watt’s painting. Read More

Wright again . . .

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I posted yesterday a video of the Rev. Jeremiah Wright’s post 9/11 sermon that some are trying to hang Sen. Barack Obama, (D-IL), for. Andrew Sullivan posted this text of the sermon a week ago. I offer it here again. As Mr. Sullivan said, Read it and make your own mind up:

“Every public service of worship I have heard about so far in the wake of the American tragedy has had in its prayers and in its preachments, sympathy and compassion for those who were killed and for their families, and God’s guidance upon the selected Presidents and upon our war machine, as they do what they do and what they gotta do — paybacks.

There’s a move in Psalm 137 from thoughts of paying tithes to thoughts of paying back, A move, if you will from worship to war, a move in other words from the worship of th God of creation to war against those whom God Created. And I want you to notice very carefully this next move. One of the reasons this Psalm is rarely read, in its entirety, because it is a move that spotlights the insanity of the cycle of violence and the cycle of hatred.

Look at the verse; Look at the verse; Look at verse nine: [rising voice] “Happy shall they be who take your little ones and dash them against the rocks.”[lower voice] The people of faith are the rivers of Babylon. How shall we sing the Lord’s song? If I forget the order … The people of faith, have moved from the hatred of armed enemies [rising voice]–these soldiers who captured the king; those soldiers who slaughtered his son, that put his eyes out; those Read More