Category: Homepage

  • If Only . . .

    This story is scary. On election night, Sen. Hillary Clinton, (D-NY), was reported to have swept through New York. To put it mildly, the Empire state was said to be immune from the juggernaut Sen. Barack Obama, (D-IL), was becoming in the rest of the country. Then comes this little story in the metro section…

  • Old Newt

    Thank God for Newt Gingrich. Where would we be without him wisely guiding us to the path of reason and understanding? The august Mr. Gingrich is dispensing advice on the conundrum the Democratic Party may soon confront if one of their presidential candidates does not win the nomination outright. The race for the nomination is…

  • Once Upon a Time . . .

    Former Colorado Senator Gary Hart embodied the ‘change’ and transcendence he talks about in this article. Oh, God, what might have been, if not for ‘Monkey business‘ on the turbulent waters to the island of Bimini? I don’t want to revisit the past but Mr. Hart’s article moved me. He was a change agent brimming…

  • The Great McCain

    knows nothing about economics and could care less. Why not wing it? Love0 Share Tweet Share Pin

  • No reason . . .

    for this post except . . . I found a happy photo of this profane, angry, and joyless man . . . who’s also a hypocrite and a con man. To have his record and policy positions and have a reputation as a forthright and clean politician who is a ‘moderate’ and ‘liberal’ and to…

  • Gipper

    joeyboy says: Huckabee is the scariest presidential candidate I’ve seen since Ronald Reagan. Like Huckabee would say, he’s not mad about being scary. Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee is scary because he masks his unreasonableness with a honeyed tongue. He’s managed to get the so-called liberal media to fall in love with him. Out of…

  • Different Songs

    Yea! Nay! Love0 Share Tweet Share Pin

  • 'Learnin' the Blues'

    Photograph by Jim Wilson/The New York Times Louis Armstrong and Ella Fitzgerald recorded a version of this song that is at once beautiful, sad, funny, and heartbreaking all at the same time. Today’s New York Times story about Sen. Barack Obama’s struggle with the issue of race in his campaign to become the Democratic Party…

  • Which is it?

    This is a case of dueling columnists.   Paul Krugman says in his column today that “most of the venom is coming from supporters of Barack Obama, who want their hero or nobody. His campaign seems dangerously close to becoming a cult of personality.” Writing a day earlier, Krugman’s fellow liberal on The New York…

  • Krud

    I love Paul Krugman. I believe he’s brilliant, fearless, and a great columnist. But he has a ‘hatred’ of Sen. Barack Obama that is becoming embarrassing and is unworthy of a columnist of his caliber. He, perhaps, needs to take a chill pill where Sen. Obama is concerned. Love0 Share Tweet Share Pin