I guess you could say I like a lot of things–Soccer, the Yankees, Soccer, theater, Soccer, movies, Soccer, ’em, Soccer, Soccer, Soccer, Soccer. Anyway, I love this blog!
I guess you could say I like a lot of things–Soccer, the Yankees, Soccer, theater, Soccer, movies, Soccer, ’em, Soccer, Soccer, Soccer, Soccer. Anyway, I love this blog!
My favorite baseball movie is 61*. What’s your favorite soccer movie?
“Take Me Out” was my favorite baseball play. Do you have a soccer favorite?
My favorite baseball movie is “The Natural” and, for a different reason, I love the Bernard Malamud book that was adapted to make that movie.
I wouldn’t know if anyone has made a comparable soccer movie, or written a book.
Don Delillo wrote a short story I loved, although it was so long ago I don’t remember the name of it, that chronicled events surrounding Bobby Thompson hitting the walk-off home run off the Brooklyn Dodger’s Ralph Branca to win the New York Giants the 1951 pennant. In Delillo’s telling, if I’m remembering this correctly now, the former Soviet Union test-fired an atomic bomb right at the moment Thompson hit his “Shot Heard ‘Round the World.”
This story would then become the opening of his acclaimed novel, “Underworld.”
Anyway, . . . thanks for reading.