
Closing arguments

By October 29, 2008No Comments

American Stories, American Solutions

Update: Babe, a commenter at The New York Times blog post about the ad, said this

What was most striking about Obama’s half-hour infomercial was that he never mentioned McCain’s name, in fact never spoke of him. We essentially heard a politician speak without throwing dirt, tossing around falsehoods about his opponent or indeed being negative in any way. What was the basis of the infomercial? Vignettes of people with problems and what Obama would do for them. The half hour was very well produced, obviously utilizing some top notch professionals, who managed to make all the amateurs look and sound good. It was an interesting contrast to McCain’s appearance on Larry King, spending most of his interview time to make insinuations about Obama’s veracity, campaign finances, associations and general qualifications for president. McCain truly seems frantic and desperate — and very old. I believe it would be a very sad day for America should get himself elected.


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