By Michael O. Allen, Record Staff Writer | Saturday, January 18, 1992
The Record (New Jersey) | All Editions | NEWS | Page A03
Police said Michael Bailey’s pants pockets contained 36 nickels, 20 dimes, 12 quarters, lots of pennies, $44 in bills, a black flashlight, a crack pipe, and a razor knife.
He was not wearing a belt.
With two detectives hot on his heels in Hackensack and one in a car trying to cut him off, Bailey was in trouble Thursday night. The weight of what police now say were fruits of his night’s work was too much: His pants dropped around his ankles and tripped him.
“That’s a lot of weight to be carrying in one’s pocket,” said Hackensack Deputy Police Chief John Aletta of Bailey, who is charged with breaking into a Main Street deli and stealing several of those items.
Bailey, 28, of 67 Kansas St., Hackensack, was being held Friday in lieu of $7,500 bail in the Bergen County Jail.
It began to unravel for Bailey when Detective Sgts. Mike Mordaga, Robert Wright, and Louis D’Arminio noticed him carrying two big brown bags as he walked along Main Street about 11:30 Thursday night. The detectives knew warrants were out for Bailey’s arrest on charges of burglary and drug possession, Aletta said.
Bailey took off running when he saw the detectives turn their car around. Wright and D’Arminio chased while Mordaga followed in an unmarked car until Bailey tumbled to the ground four blocks away.
Police found a telephone, a scale used to weigh sandwiches, a small cash register, and a small television in the brown bags Bailey dropped when the detectives chased him. Police say Bailey got the loot by breaking into Mento’s Deli, 602 Main St.
ID: 17366350 | Copyright © 1992, The Record (New Jersey)