The Republican Party is betting that America is more homophobic, racist and sexist so their path to attaining and retaining power is to play to our nation’s basest instincts.
While it may be better for our nation in the long run to cure us of those ills, to move our nation to a better future, it’s not in the Republican Party’s best interests. How else to explain all the bad people that they have pushed to the forefront of their leadership?
In the coming presidential election, all of the Republican Party candidates will be trying to top each other on who could be more backward than the other, who could hate more than other, who would turn the clock back faster.
Remember the night of Nov. 4, 2008, the night Barack Obama became President of the United States, how hopeful we all were about our nation’s future?
Republicans dimmed the light of our nation’s future and, now, 14 years later, we are staring into an abyss.
I am fearful for our future as a nation.