
McCain trolling

By October 30, 2008No Comments

Sen. John McCain’s relentlessly desperate, dirty attacks against Sen. Barack Obama should not be forgotten no matter how this election comes out on Tuesday. His name should go down in infamy with that of Sen. Joe McCarthy for the worst kind of guilt-by-association attacks.

The New Republic’s John Judis points out in this video the latest filth being hurled by McCain’s campaign.

It has been an impressively inspirational campaign waged by one man, Obama, as he is buffeted by the most bigoted assault on his character and good by his opponent.

I fear the nation will reward McCain with the presidency and the squalor of his campaign would become part of lore, the way people now remember George H.W. Bush’s savaging of Gov. Michael Dukakis in 1988. The elder Bush is not a disgraced figure in the nation despite his seamy tactics.

McCain is counting on that kind of amnesia on the part of our nation. It should not be so.

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