My wife (Let’s call her LJ) and two boys (Gabriel, 10, and Aidan, 6 years old but turning 7 in five days) were walking on Hope St., by Spring, the other day when they came across a scene that was unusual enough they ran home to get a camera to record it: a Vulture eating a Possum.
On their return, the scene acquired a touch of the surreal. Vulture was still eating Possum. Then a hearse drives by.
This is where I enter. That night, the boys were telling me about their day.
Aidan: That Vulture was cute.
Gabriel (knowing his brother, laughs)
Me: It was a vulture.
Aidan: All vultures are cute.
(Aidan believes all animals are cute.)
Me: Vultures are never cute.
Aidan: How ‘bout the Possum, it was cute?
Me: It was dead!
Aidan: Besides that.
Great story. Please let us know when Aidan is playing comedy clubs in the city.