
Senator Turncoat

By February 17, 2008No Comments

Some people are trying to stop Arizona Senator John McCain from continuing on a path that says there’s no principle he won’t turn his back on if it’ll help him reach the presidency.
When the torture bill was going through Congress Mr. McCain spoke movingly about his experiences as a prisoner of war who endured torture for five years. He said America should pass the bill to explicitly forswearing torture because we, as a nation, do not do such things.
The first sign that the good senator was just playing a role that he had grown accustomed to playing all too well was when he raised not a finger of protest to the ‘signing statement’ President George W. Bush attached to the bill declaring that he reserved the right to violate the law he was signing at will.
And when the CIA said a few days ago that, yes, it had tortured a few prisoners and detainees, Mr. McCain was again silent. The last straw was when he voted last week against a bill to check the Central Intelligence Agency’s use of harsh interrogation tactics, disappointing human rights advocates who should have known better than to trust this man.
Torture is one of the pillars of the Republican Party and McCain could simply not allow himself to be seen coddling terrorists in the middle of a presidential race.

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