
ABC News

Ayers again

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The remarkable thing here is that Bill Ayers was utterly reasonable in the interview while his questioner, Chris Cuomo, seemed desperate.

First Hillary Clinton, then John McCain and Sarah Palin went out of their way to destroy William Ayers. Anyone who has gone through this kind of crucible has every right to be hurt, angry and bitter. Ayers, other than pointing out that the political community is being dishonest in trying to damage President-elect Barack Obama’s campaign through guilt-by-association, was anything but.

I know Mr. Ayers, who has maintained his dignity throughout all this, has a book to sell, but it’s really time to let well enough alone. Obama is nobody’s terrorist. Let’s get down to discuss problems facing the nation.

Gergen exposes McCain's codes

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Gergen Calls Out Racial “Signals” of McCain Ads

From HuffPo:

On Sunday, longtime Washington hand David Gergen took umbrage with John McCain’s recent attack ads, charging that the Senator was using coded messaging to paint Barack Obama as “outside the mainstream” and “uppity.”

“There has been a very intentional effort to paint him as somebody outside the mainstream, other, ‘he’s not one of us,'” said Gergen, who has worked with White Houses, both Republican and Democrat, from Nixon to Clinton. “I think the McCain campaign has been scrupulous about not directly saying it, but it’s the subtext of this campaign. Everybody knows that. There are certain kinds of signals. As a native of the south, I can tell you, when you see this Charlton Heston ad, ‘The One,’ that’s code for, ‘he’s uppity, he ought to stay in his place.’ Everybody gets that who is from a southern background. We all understand that. When McCain comes out and starts talking about affirmative action, ‘I’m against quotas,’ we get what that’s about.”


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The Clintons and the national media covering the Democratic Party race for the presidential nomination have broken out a new story line regarding Barack Obama: That he’s “angry” and “frustrated.” Hillary Clinton practically taunts him with this. It does not help that the media has not only totally bought into this, they’re mischaracterizing their news coverage to turn normal or innocuous exchange with the candidate into “tense” encounters. ABC News breathlessly reported on its website that it had filmed a “testy” exchange between Jeff Zeleny of the New York Times and Obama. Their tape, however, does not match their description of the encounter.

A measured Obama was trying to both sign autographs for voters and talk to the reporters as he campaigned in South Carolina. His voice was not raised. A bemused smile played on his face, as if he recognized the trap he was in. The reporters were trying to manufacture a story where there was none and he was not about to give them one. He even tried to go off the record at one point.

It’s a singular achievement of the Clintons that and the media in this campaign that they’ve managed to turn Barack Obama into the “Angry Black Man” without any evidence of him being one.

STATE SUING GRAVANO Vacco sees Son of Sam law violation By MICHAEL O. ALLEN Daily News Staff Writer

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Thursday, April 17, 1997

The state slapped mob turncoat Salvatore (Sammy Bull) Gravano with a lawsuit yesterday, charging that the admitted killer who helped put John Gotti away is illegally profiting from his new book.

Attorney General Dennis Vacco filed a suit under the state’s Son of Sam law that named Gravano and Peter Maas, the author of “Underboss.”

The law is designed to bar convicted criminals from profiting from their crimes.

The papers were filed as ABC News began airing a two-part interview with Gravano, who recently bolted from the federal witness protection program. During the lengthy talk with newswoman Diane Sawyer, Gravano recounts his life in the mob and reveals he once plotted to kill Gotti.

But it is the 19 hits Gravano has admitted to that prompted Vacco to file the suit.

“We should not allow a guy like Sammy Gravano, or any other criminal, to profit from their criminal conduct,” Vacco said.

Vacco alleges publisher HarperCollins and Maas failed to inform the state Crime Victims Board of Gravano’s contract and pay, as required under the Son of Sam law.

Gravano, he added, was allowed by the federal government to keep money from his past criminal activity when his testimony helped put John Gotti behind bars.

“The fact that he is now, within five short years of having participated in the demise of John Gotti, back on the street to earn a profit by telling his story seem patently offensive to me,” Vacco said.

Ginger Curwen, a spokeswoman for HarperCollins, insisted that the company paid Maas, not Gravano.

“HarperCollins’ contractual relations for this book are with Peter Maas and there is nothing unlawful about those arrangements,” she said.

Michael Dowd, Maas’ attorney, defended the writer.

“Who the hell does [Vacco] think he is,” Dowd asked. “By suing an author, Mr. Vacco is moving into an area that has been protected from time immemorial by the Constitution of the United States.”

Dowd insisted that Maas did not pay Gravano.

Ronald Kuby, an attorney for relatives of nine of Gravano’s victims, accused the publisher of paying Gravano.

“They should come clean and disclose the amount of blood money they are paying to Gravano,” Kuby said.

“They have structured this book deal like a Mafia deal. They should be ashamed of themselves.”

The lawsuit, filed on behalf of the Crime Victims Board, named as co-defendants T.J.M. Productions Inc., a company Maas formed last year, and HarperCollins.

It also named HarperCollins chief executive officer Anthea Disney and News Corp., the multi-national conglomerate that owns the publishing house.