Tag: Bayh

  • Yet another veepstakes post

    The Democratic world may soon wake up with a text or email from the Obama campaign announcing his choice for VP. Drudge, the NYT, and other media outlets have been abuzz this evening with the story of Obama’s “short list” and impending announcement. The names being floated are Bayh, Biden, Kaine, and Sebelius. Kaine would…

  • Evan Bayh and the L-word.

    There has been a lot of buzz lately about Sen. Evan Bayh’s chances of winding up at Obama’s VP. Along with that buzz has come a lot of grumbling from the NetRoots about Bayh’s centrism and DLC past. That makes today’s post from stathead Nate Silver a must-read. Money quote: Bayh is considerably more liberal…