Tag: Bill Clinton

  • Is it?

    Al Jolson, Elvis Pressley, Bill Clinton, just to name a few. I’m sure I meant something by that list. But just what I cannot tell you because I am not really sure. The list is not random, however. It took me a while to get to this Newsweek article by David Gates but I am…

  • 'Learnin' the Blues'

    Photograph by Jim Wilson/The New York Times Louis Armstrong and Ella Fitzgerald recorded a version of this song that is at once beautiful, sad, funny, and heartbreaking all at the same time. Today’s New York Times story about Sen. Barack Obama’s struggle with the issue of race in his campaign to become the Democratic Party…

  • The Other Party

    This shows how little I know. I thought former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee as Republican vice-presidential nominee answers all the problems that Sen. John McCain is having reeling in his party’s base. Mr. Pat Toomey, a former Republican congressman from Pennsylvania who is now the president of the Club for Growth, thinks not. Some have…

  • No RFK

    All the comparisons of Barack Obama to the Kennedys, both John and Bobby, bring to mind the late Sen. Lloyd Bentsen’s putdown of Dan Quayle. Quayle was fond of invoking the martyred young president whenever anyone questioned his qualification to be a heartbeat away from the presidency. The question came up again during the vice-presidential…

  • Kill Bill

    Barack Obama said Bill Clinton is to blame for the plights of Democrats. Love0 Share Tweet Share Pin

  • Mother says . . .

    Novelist Toni Morrison who famously dubbed Bill Clinton “the first black president” of the United States is now supporting Barack Obama. Love0 Share Tweet Share Pin

  • A Well-liked Gentleman

    In the remaining days before Super Tuesday, Sen. Barack Obama, (D-IL), is reaping endorsements like they’re going out of style. What I know is that, whether this pushes him over the hump in California or not, this is impressive. The L.A. Times said this in its endorsement: An Obama presidency would present, as a distinctly…

  • Bill. Raw

    Obama once said, in response to people (the Clintons) who said he’s in too much of a hurry to become president, that what they wanted was for him to wait until all the hope is boiled out of him. It was a good line. He probably did not realize that there was not going to…

  • The Bog

    So, last night, there was the evil dementor Newt Gingrish on Fox’s Hannity and Colmes decrying how Lord Voldermort, er, Bill Clinton, was trying kill off good little Harry (that would be Barack Obama) and it occurred to me, those are love taps that Bill is administering to Obama compared to what Republicans will do…

  • Billary

    I have said previously (as have others) that I believe Barack Obama is Bill Clinton’s truest heir. The New York Times has a curious story today that I am still thinking about. I am not sure what I think about the strategy. I know that I am happy that the Clintons are not ceding the…