A friendly but earnest conversation between a man with a dog and a couple on a walk. This was a Sunday morning on Memorial Day weekend in a Northwest New Jersey suburb.
I caught only a snippet of the conversation:
“. . . back in the days when Christie was not a scumbag politician,” the man said as his wife looked on.
I didn’t yell out that Christie was always a scumbag politician, a junkyard dog who did the dirty job that party higher ups wanted him to do. He is well suited for whatever errands that Trump might have in mind for him. I didn’t say that.
I was coming from soccer scrimmage. The morning was hot. I was sweaty and tired. I made it to my car and drove past the couple. The man wore khaki shorts and a white t-shirt. His wife wore a three-quarter length Khaki pants (sorry, I don’t know what those are called).
Just a nice couple out for a Sunday morning walk. A nice couple who’ll find their way clear to vote for Trump in the fall.