

Why Senator Clinton Should Accept

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I like the idea of Hillary Clinton as the next Secretary of State — mostly for the reasons that Andrew Sullivan points out here and here. And now comes word that President-Elect Obama has offered her the position and that she asked for time to consider it.

I hope she accepts. (In the interest of full disclosure, I should point out that I supported Senator Clinton in the Georgia primary.) Here’s why.

1. Symbolism. A diplomatic team with Obama and Clinton at the top would send a powerful message of change to the rest of the world. It would go a long way toward re-establishing our standing with our allies and foes alike.

2. Impact. There’s little doubt Senator Clinton could do a lot of good by remaining in the Senate for years to come, but the position of Secretary of State has the potential to have a bigger impact on the world. This is particularly true after eight years of Bush’s cowboy diplomacy, two lengthy wars, and a global economic crisis. It will be a challenging time, to be sure, but if she’s able to rise to that challenge — and I think she is — it would be a waste of her talent to have her remain in the Senate.

3. Future. Die-hard Clinton haters like Andrew Sullivan may never come around, but joining the Obama cabinet may offer the best opportunity for Senator Clinton to put some distance between herself and her husband’s presidency. I think it offers her the best shot at a future run for the presidency on her own.