Tag: Economy

  • John Nichols in The Nation

    Sen. Barack Obama, in this ad, reads the situation right. He should set an alternative path to whatever Bush and McCain are proposing. The plan Bush has and what the crowd in Washington want to do is exactly the kind of plans Obama should run away from: Mr. Nichols reads the situation just right. An…

  • NYT Editorial: Mr. McCain and the Economy

    John McCain spent Monday claiming as he had countless times before — that the economy was fundamentally sound. Had he missed the collapse of Lehman Brothers or the sale of Merrill Lynch, which were announced the day before? Did he not notice the agonies of the American International Group? Was he unaware of the impending…

  • Sound economic fundamentals

    (Photo: Mark Lennihan/Associated Press A figure in the window at Lehman Brothers headquarters in New York on Monday) You get far away enough from a disaster and you don’t remember what it was like. In our case, the Depression was so long ago that it’s hard to imagine that we are in one. Except this…

  • That *&%$@#!, McCain

    McCain’s Mansions As that self-made man, McCain, has done himself, pull yourself up by your bootstrap (Ferragamo moccasins, in his case). If you can’t hack it in this economy, get a second job. Love0 Share Tweet Share Pin

  • MoveOn Ad*

    All in your head The McCain campaign finally rid itself of former Sen. Phil Gramm. Let’s put aside for the moment whether Gramm should be investigated and, possibly, imprisoned for corruption and economic crimes against this nation when he was a United States senator and destroyed banking in this country. The particular comments that led…

  • In Thornton, CO

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  • Hoisted by his own petard

    My friend Lucy Wilson (not her real name), in a e-mail, wrote that she found the bit where Lieberman whispered into McCain’s ear and then McCain saying, “uh I mean the Iranians are training the extremists, not Al Qaeda” particularly funny. “Are you serious? That was a comedy routine.” Love0 Share Tweet Share Pin

  • McCain: Obama out of touch

    Sen. John McCain: Barack Obama is “out of touch” and “insensitive” on issues of the economy. Love0 Share Tweet Share Pin

  • The people's house

    Last August, a bridge fell in Minneapolis and we learned it would cost $225 billion a year for the next 50 years just to maintain America’s crumbling roadways and bridges. A new report just out says African Americans still lag behind white Americans significantly in income, education and other measures of well-being. Healthcare in America…