
Evan Thomas

Buckley's splendid eulogies

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I come late to the William F. Buckley eulogy party, a full week as a matter of fact. I was going to skip it entirely but I finally read my Newsweek magazine, which devoted precious newshole to the passing of the conservative icon.There was the long retrospective on his career by Evan Thomas, accompanied by a couple of respectful appreciations by Katrina Vanden Heuvel, editor and publisher of The Nation, the country’s premier liberal magazine, and Michael Gerson, George W. Bush’s exceptional speechwriter who sups now at the trough of several publications, Newsweek and the Washington Post included.Before I go any further, I should get this out of the way: among his many admirable qualities, Mr. Buckley was a very charming man and he gave great parties.Douglas Martin began his obituary in The New York Times this way:

William F. Buckley Jr., who marshaled polysyllabic exuberance, arched eyebrows and a refined, perspicacious mind to elevate conservatism to the center of American political discourse, died on Wednesday at his home in Stamford, Conn. He was 82.

No purpose will be served rehashing all the encomiums Buckley’s passing garnered. He was a great guy. A great writer. A great wit. Founded a magazine. He was the father of the conservative movement.Some of his eulogizers lamented what has become of the conservative movement he founded. Current crop of conservatives just don’t have the style, the civilized manner of Buckley. David Brooks, a protégé of Buckley who now occupies valuable real estate on The New York Times op-ed page, lamented the return of the haters and rabble rousers long after Buckley thought he had banished them from his movement.Brooks and others, as quoted by Newsweek, on Buckley:

For more than a half century, William F. Buckley Jr., who died last week at 82, largely inspired and held together the conservative movement that is collapsing today. The Wall Street Journal editorialized: “Several generations of conservatives grew up (in more than one sense) with Bill Buckley. Now they have—well, there is no one like him.” “He changed the personality of conservatism,” Brooks says. “It had been sort of negative, and he made it smart and sophisticated and pushed out all these oddballs and created a movement.” More recently, says Brooks, conservatism has “lost something.” In the conservatism spawned by talk radio and TV, the haters and know-nothings are back, ranting about immigrants and liberals. “It was a lot more philosophical under him,” he says. At those nightly salons, Buckley liked to talk and argue about ideas and literature and the nature of man; politics was rarely mentioned. “The new conservatives are not as intellectually creative as those dealing with communism and socialism,” says Brooks. Buckley tolerated some disreputable ideas, including segregation; but he had the capacity to change.

And vanden Heuvel had this to say early in her appreciation of Buckley:

And while he ceased to argue that Africans will be ready to run their own affairs “when they stop eating each other,” neither he nor his magazine ever fully repudiated the poisonous role it played in stoking white supremacists’ anger against the civil-rights movement.

The same Mr. Buckley called author Gore Vidal a “queer” and threatened to punch him out on his television show, The Firing Line. Charming indeed.

I’m sorry, Mr. Buckley might have had nicer manners but how is this any better than any of Rush Limbaugh or Ann Coulter’s serial assault on common-sense and decency?

William F. Buckley was an unreconstructed racist who comforted segregationists everywhere, including the purveyors of the long discredited policy of apartheid in South Africa. Buckley and the pages of the National Review provided ballast to the Reagan administration as it resisted all entreaties to help topple that evil regime.

That this man was welcomed in respectable society when he was alive was bad enough. That he was, on his death, further celebrated in the pages of respectable mainstream publications is both tragic and shameful.

McCain's media relations office

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How fortunate is John McCain, (R-AZ), to have Newsweek magazine in its corner?The magazine’s reporters and writers don’t even pretend to be objective anymore. They see their job as explaining the ‘Maverick’ to an unappreciative nation.

Case in point is their package of stories and columns under the headline Straight Talk Roadblock, which sought to dismiss the recent article by The New York Times about ethical lapses by McCain, including apparent cozy relationship between him and a lobbyist. Despite the fact that their own reporting (by powerhouse Evan Thomas and pit bull Michael Isikoff, among others) confirms the essential facts of the story by the Times, they still called it a non-story.In his ‘Editor’s Desk’ column, Jon Meacham said:

Let us be honest: without the allegations about sex, there was no Times story. (McCain’s FCC efforts and links to the communications company had been previously reported.) No suggestion of sex, no front page; no suggestion of sex, no right-wing rally to McCain’s side against the Times. It is, as Margaret Thatcher used to say, a funny old world.

It’s of a piece with recent Newsweek reporting about McCain, which has been adulatory, even more so than the usual media treatment of McCain. Howard Fineman put in his usual yeoman’s work sucking up to the good senator.As Newsweek says, there’s no scandal here. Everybody run along.

McCain Able

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Newsweek has this profile of John McCain that is par for the course when it comes to how the Beltway pundits, especially allegedly liberal ones, treat his various perfidies. The broad outline is this:

* McCain, a son of privilege, was a hellion who listened to no one, acted out whenever he felt like it. Here’s a description:

“According to Robert Timberg’s ‘The Nightingale’s Song,’ McCain’s nicknames at EHS were “Punk,” “Nasty” and “McNasty.” A classmate described him as a ‘tough, mean little f–––er.’ Episcopal had borrowed from state military schools the sobriquet “rat” to describe first-year students at the mercy of upperclassmen hazing. McCain writes: ‘My resentment, along with my affected disregard for rules and school authorities, soon earned me the distinction of ‘worst rat’.’ At Annapolis, he was, he writes, ‘a slob.’ He looked for authorities to subvert, settling on a bullying, second-year midshipman he and his friends dubbed ‘Sh–––y Witty the Middy,’ and making life miserable for a by-the-book captain who was supposed to discipline him. ‘I acted like a jerk,’ McCain writes. McCain came close to ‘bilging’—getting kicked out—but seemed to know exactly how far he could go. He graduated fifth from the bottom of his class.

* The story went on to describe him as “at best an average pilot, a daredevil, ‘kick-the-tires and light-the-fire’ type who sacrificed careful preparation for more time at the O Club bar.”

* McCain was a combat pilot in Vietnam and was shot down in October 1967, breaking his right leg and both arms while ejecting from his plane. By all accounts, including his own, McCain was a heroic prisoner of war. He suffered horrible and unimaginable torture at the hand of his captors. He refused release until all other captives had been released, staying five and half years in the prison camp.

* Back stateside, McCain was an incorrigible philanderer who wrecked his first marriage with his affairs. That is OK, however, because he fessed up to it. In fact, McCain almost always fesses up to every mistake, including being a sleazeball who took money from Charles Keating then leaned on regulators to ease off on Keating as he looted the Savings and Loans bank he ran into the ground. But that is OK, too, because McCain allegedly made up for this by authoring the McCain/Feingold law to regulate the serial bribery of our legislators by lobbyists.

* McCain is also notorious for having a bad temper, “Senator Hothead,” they called him. Here’s another portion of the story:

But a number of senators and former lawmakers are still licking their wounds from run-ins with McCain. “It’s sad, really,” says former senator Bob Smith of New Hampshire. “John McCain can tell a good joke and we can laugh, and I’ve had my share of good times with him.” That is the side of McCain, says Smith, that the press sees. But behind the scenes lurks a less amiable McCain. “You can disagree without being disagreeable,” says Smith. “And I don’t think John is able to do that. If he disagrees with you, he does it in a way that is disagreeable.”

McCain is widely reported to have yelled profanities at senators and even shoved one or two (including the late Strom Thurmond, a feisty nonagenarian at the time of the alleged incident). After McCain used an obscenity to describe Republican Sen. Chuck Grassley of Iowa to his face in 1992, Grassley did not speak to McCain for more than a year. (“That’s all water over the dam,” Grassley says.) McCain has reportedly learned to control his temper; still, there are moments when he cannot or does not. Last spring, at a closed-door meeting of senators and staff, Sen. John Cornyn of Texas tried to amend the immigration bill to make ineligible convicted felons, known terrorists and gang members. Agitated that any attempt to amend the bill would jeopardize its slim chance of passage (ultimately, the bill failed), McCain snapped, “This is chickens–––.” Cornyn shot back that McCain shouldn’t come parachuting in off the presidential-campaign trail at the last minute and start making demands. “F––– you,” said McCain, in front of about 30 witnesses. (A Cornyn aide says that the Texas senator was unbothered by the incident. “I think he just thought, ‘Here’s John being a jerk’,” says the aide, who declined to be identified speaking for Cornyn.)

Sen. Thad Cochran, Republican of Mississippi, has had his share of dust-ups with McCain, usually over some appropriation that McCain regards as pork-barrel spending. “He gets very volatile,” Cochran tells NEWSWEEK. “He gets red in the face. He talks loud.” Cochran, who says he is still a friend of McCain’s (“at least on my part”), says the Senate dining room has lately been buzzing with Senator Hothead stories, mostly stirred by a recent wave of press interest. “I was surprised to find so many senators who’d had a personal experience when he’d lost his temper,” says Cochran. Did he find McCain’s temper to be somehow disabling or disqualifying in a potential president? “I don’t know how to assess that,” says Cochran. “I certainly know no other president since I’ve been here who’s had a temperament like that. There’s some who were capable of getting angry, of course. Ronald Reagan and Jimmy Carter both. But this …” His voice trailed away. “You like to think your president would be cool, calm and collected. He’s commander in chief.”

Cochran is supporting flip-flopper extraordinaire Mitt Romney for president.

Newsweek writer Evan Thomas goes out of his way to cast many of these things in a “good” light. For instance:

*In rare weak moments, he can seem prickly, impetuous, vindictive—the sort of military martinet whose finger is supposed to be kept far from the button. Yet he is endowed with self-knowledge and self-effacing dignity. “I’m a man of many failings,” McCain says with a genuine, if practiced, ruefulness. “I make no bones about it. That’s why I’m such a believer in redemption. I’ve done many, many things wrong in my life. The key is to try to improve.”

That much vaunted McCain candor again. McCain gets away with everything because he’s allegedly candid. And the reporters are just tickled pink because he talks to them and would confess to anything. It’s alright that he cheated in his marriage because he confessed afterward. It’s alright that he was corrupt and took money from a man looting a bank. He not only confessed to this, he wrote a law to make it difficult to do what he did (stop me before I sin again?).

What I see is a man who, despite his years, is immature, petulant, who does not care about anyone else, is a bully to everyone (except reporters who slave over his every word) and insist on getting his way. Here’s McCain as a baby:

*As an angry toddler, he would hold his breath until he passed out (his parents’ cure was to drop him fully clothed into a bathtub of icy water).

From everything I read in the Newsweek article, instead of holding his breath, elderly now, McCain turns vituperative and when not being verbally abusive, physically assaults his colleagues in the U.S. Senate. And we’re supposed to make this man our president?