Tag: GOP

  • Trump: “More Profiling, Please”

    It is no longer a rumor that Bill Clinton talked to Donald Trump in the weeks before he ran for president. For the people who believe that, Trump gives them ammunition daily. It’s like Trump calls the HRC campaign headquarters each day to get his talking points about how to further kneecap himself. Or, maybe…

  • Newt Gingrich for Mother Jones

    Here’s an illustration in this month’s issue of Mother Jones, to accompany a story on Newt Gingrich written by their DC bureau chief. The article is about how Newt is the only Republican to come out of 2008 looking good, and that the face he’s presenting is a kinder, gentler Newt, all “tri-partisan” and Kumbaya.…

  • Suppressing the vote

    Protect This Election By Andrew Gumbel This article appeared in the November 10, 2008 edition of The Nation. Not so long ago, when Karl Rove was still dreaming of a permanent Republican majority based on his “50 percent plus one” model for fighting and winning elections, 2008 was shaping up as possibly the dirtiest election…

  • Steal back your vote

    Theft of the 2008 Election Will the GOP’s campaign to deter new voters and discard Democratic ballots determine the next president? by ROBERT F. KENNEDY JR. & GREG PALAST These days, the old west rail hub of Las Vegas, New Mexico, is little more than a dusty economic dead zone amid a boneyard of bare…

  • Now this is more like it!

    Obama spokesperson Bill Burton today released the following statement: “We will take no lectures from John McCain who is cynically running the sleaziest and least honorable campaign in modern Presidential campaign history. His discredited ads with disgusting lies are running all over the country today. He runs a campaign not worthy of the office he…