
Gov. David Paterson

Donna . . .

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Chief Judge Judith Kaye administers the oath of office to Gov. David Paterson at right is Paterson’s son, Alexander (Newsday, J. Conrad Williams Jr. / March 17, 2008)

. . . asked me a question in a comment to my last post. My response:

I have not written much on Eliot Spitzer (I’ve left that to others) and I’ve said even less about David Paterson’s incredible ascension to the governorship. I have been working on a redesign of the website (everyone, keep an eye out for that!) and I’ve been working on a very long post (I am sorry to say that it is very, very boring).

My take on the drip, drip, drip of revelations about Gov. Paterson since he took office is that the media in New York City is probably the most racist in the nation. When the media in the South and other parts of the nation came to terms with their own role in this nation’s history, newspapers and other media outlets in the Northeast never had to.

It was good enough for them to condemn the South without any self-examination.

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