Tag: Iraq

  • Frank Rich: 'How Obama Became Acting President'

    IT almost seems like a gag worthy of “Borat”: A smooth-talking rookie senator with an exotic name passes himself off as the incumbent American president to credulous foreigners. But to dismiss Barack Obama’s magical mystery tour through old Europe and two war zones as a media-made fairy tale would be to underestimate the ingenious politics…

  • Tony's Nobel grovel

    I don’t remember who started it, or when it started, so let’s blame it on Jimmy Carter. The former president rehabilitated his public service record by becoming a world do-gooder in chief. He built homes for the homeless, cured elections, and generally did whatever he could to expunge from the public mind, his four years…

  • Memorial Day

    SEN. BARACK OBAMA, (D) PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: On this Memorial Day, as our nation honors its unbroken line of fallen heroes, and I see many of them in the audience today, our sense of patriotism is particularly strong. Because while we gather here under open skies, we know that far beyond the Oregon Mountains, in the…

  • Webb

    “Black America and Scots-Irish America are like tortured siblings. They both have long history and they both missed the boat when it came to the larger benefits that a lot of other people were able to receive. There’s a saying in the Appalachian mountains that they say to one another, and it’s, ‘if you’re poor…

  • 'Obliterat'*ing Iran

    That’s what Darth Vader, er, Dick Cheney and Hillary Rodham Clinton would like to do. But a couple of people says Iran’s alleged nuclear capability and intentions are not so clear cut. Why the hurry? Because, in Cheney’s case, he wants to start something while the getting is good. How many months, weeks and days…

  • Meanwhile, . . .

    Dan Froomkin’s “White House Watch” in the Washington Post has always been a must read for me. Today’s piece show one of the reasons why: Five Years After ‘Mission Accomplished’ Much has happened in the five years since President Bush flew aboard the USS Abraham Lincoln aircraft carrier in “Top Gun” style, stood under a…

  • The Pentagon’s Message Machine

    Behind TV Analysts, Pentagon’s Hidden Hand By DAVID BARSTOW, April 20, 2008 Corrections Appended In the summer of 2005, the Bush administration confronted a fresh wave of criticism over Guantánamo Bay. The detention center had just been branded “the gulag of our times” by Amnesty International, there were new allegations of abuse from United Nations…


    A constant question in letters written home by American servicemen and women in the Middle East is how the public is reacting to their being over there. If the more than 3,000 signatures collected on banners at two Paramus shopping malls Saturday are any measure, then support for the men and women if not for…