
Joseph Bellone

Raid Bags 2 in Holdup; Shootout suspects nabbed By MICHAEL O. ALLEN and PATRICE O’SHAUGHNESSY, Daily News Staff Writers

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Sunday, May 11, 1997

Lying in wait outside a Queens hideout, police yesterday captured two of the suspects in the wild 50-shot ambush that wounded a retired cop and a moonlighting detective during a payroll heist in Queens.

A third suspect — believed to be a twin brother of one of the two arrested — still was on the loose, cops said.

Shortly after 1 p.m., officers recovered a duffel bag that contained weapons, believed to be those used in the holdup, and thousands of dollars, believed to be part of the $50,000 cash stolen.

The identities of the suspects were not immediately released, but police said they have criminal records.

Cops staked out a house at 53-18 Junction Blvd. in Elmhurst after they developed information leading to occupants of the house, said Deputy Inspector Michael Collins, a police spokesman.

One suspect drove up in a van, accompanied by a child, and entered the brick and vinyl-sided house, emerging with a bag, which he threw into the van.

He drove on Junction to 55th Ave., and when he turned the corner, officers in a patrol car pulled him over and arrested him.

Within seconds, another suspect came out of the house, walked down Junction to 55th and started running. Cops tackled him.

He was carrying a bag stuffed with money, police said.

Believing that the third member of the vicious robbery team — the twin of the second suspect — was in the area, cops roped off the neighborhood for three hours. Emergency Service Unit cops flooded the area, as sharpshooters patrolled the roofs of nearby houses.

They fired rubber bullets into the house, and then entered. It was unoccupied.

The suspects were taken to the 109th Precinct stationhouse. Charges were pending.

Meanwhile, the retired officer critically wounded in Flushing Friday was due to undergo a second operation today, while the detective was in stable condition.

The police had been looking for three or four men in the bloody holdup outside a printing company on 168th St. and Station Road Friday morning.

The suspects — masked and armed with AK-47s and 9-mm. pistols — sprayed more than four dozen bullets at Joseph Bellone, a retired Bronx police officer, and off-duty Detective Arthur Pettus, who were working as security guards delivering a payroll.

The suspects fled with cash and checks and jumped on a city bus when a flat tire disabled their van, which had been stolen last month.

Bellone, 45, of upstate Newburgh, was in critical condition in the surgical intensive care unit of New York Hospital Medical Center of Queens and under heavy sedation.

His left arm and leg were riddled with bullets, but the wounds to his abdomen are “really serious,” and doctors were still working to repair them, said Brian Salisbury, a spokesman for the hospital.

Salisbury said Pettus, a 38-year-old cop assigned to Bronx robbery, was still in the recovery room in stable condition, alert and awake.

Pettus was shot in the legs and abdomen before he rolled under a van to escape the gunfire. Bellone returned nine shots, but one of the gunmen stood over him and fired at close range.

Police said the robbers fired immediately, aiming low, assuming their victims were wearing bulletproof vests, which they were not.

Late Friday, Bellone’s wife, Catherine, and his sister visited Pettus, who had been asking for Bellone.

Yesterday, Pettus was able to visit with his family.

A woman who lives across the street from 53-18 Junction said police had noticed the twin suspects before.

“Every weekend they come with different, very expensive cars,” said Vanessa Otero, 20. “A few months ago, cops came here, probably because of the cars, but they were not arrested.”

Original Story Date: 051197

Cops Hunt Gang In Brazen Heist: Detective and ex-cop survive bloody ambush by MICHAEL O. ALLEN, DONALD BERTRAND, JOHN MARZULLI, BLANCA M. QUINTANILLA, and JAMES RUTENBERG; Written by JERE HESTER, Daily News Staff Writers

By Homepage, New York Daily NewsNo Comments

nullSaturday, May 10, 1997

Police hunted last night for a heavily armed gang that escaped on a public bus after ambushing an off-duty police detective and a retired cop delivering a payroll in Queens.

Wielding assault rifles and wearing hooded sweatshirts, the gunmen sprayed a quiet Flushing street with more than 50 rounds.

They mercilessly pumped bullets into the lawmen, even as they lay wounded, before grabbing $50,000 in checks and cash.

Retired Police Officer Joseph Bellone, riddled with at least 12 bullets, still squeezed off up to nine shots from his 9-mm. Glock pistol. A gunman was captured on camera standing over the ex-cop, coldly discharging his weapon.

Off-duty Detective Arthur Pettus, who works with Bellone for a payroll company, was struck several times in the legs and abdomen by the three or four robbers. Chunks of concrete shot out by bullets outlined the spot where he dived for cover.

Both victims were in critical condition but are expected to survive the execution-style attack.

The vicious, well-planned stickup unfolded at 10:26 a.m. when Bellone, 45, and Pettus, 38, pulled up in an armor-plated van in front of Positive Promotions, a printing company at 40-01 168th St.

The gunmen popped out of nowhere, firing AK-47s and other weapons from three directions, including an alley abutting the printing company.

“I thought they were firecrackers,” Ari Kayserian, 17, said of the 30-second barrage of gunfire. Kayserian, who lives nearby, ran downstairs to find a wounded Pettus clutching a 9-mm. Glock, hiding behind a van.

“He was calling, ‘Help! Help!’ ” Kayserian said. “The officer told me, ‘Call 911, tell them 10-13’ ” — the code for an officer needing assistance.

Police sources said that a surveillance camera captured several photos — including one of a gunman standing over Bellone and firing bullets into the prone ex-cop.

After rendering the lawmen helpless, the thugs scooped up two canvas bags containing $50,000 in cash and an undetermined amount in checks.

The gang hopped into a stolen green Ford Aerostar van double parked on Station Road and tore up the street the wrong way, ricocheting off parked vehicles.

“There were cars banging each other,” said Kayserian’s mother, Tamar.

The gunmen drove to 162d St. and 45th Ave. and hopped out of the van, which was crippled by a flat tire. They left the doors open and the motor running.

“I saw [three of] them running; you could tell they did something bad,” said Glenn Fammia, a worker at nearby Gabriella’s Pizzeria.

He said they waved down a Jamaica-bound Q-65 Queens Surface Line bus that had just started pulling away.

The gang acted like normal passengers and got off at Hillside Ave. and 164th St. — the same intersection where they had stolen the Aerostar van last month, police sources said.

The bus driver told detectives that the only strange thing about the men was that they paid the $1.50 fare in cash rather than by token, like most passengers. Sources said that one robber left a jacket behind.

No weapons were found.

Mayor Giuliani and Police Commissioner Howard Safir rushed to New York Hospital Medical Center of Queens, where the families of the wounded men gathered.

“It’s a miracle that both have a real chance of survival, given the brutality and viciousness of this attack,” Giuliani said.

“We don’t think that either one will sustain any permanent paralysis,” said Dr. James Turner, adding that both men were shot “many, many, many times.”

Safir said that neither Bellone nor Pettus wore a bulletproof vest. Officers are not required to wear such vests when working off-duty.

Pettus, a former transit cop now assigned to the Bronx robbery squad, had permission to moonlight for Mount Vernon Money Center, officials said. He had worked a 5 p.m. to 1 a.m. shift the night before the shooting.

Workers at the printing company said Bellone was their regular payroll deliveryman and that Pettus was apparently a fill-in.

One police officer said Mount Vernon Money Center guards were wary of the secluded spot.