

OUTRAGE_MEETING HATRED IN SOUTH AFRICA: Black Daily News Reporter is Attacked as He Covers Rally

By Homepage, New York Daily News, South Africa: The Freedom VoteNo Comments

By MICHAEL O. ALLEN, Daily News Staff Writer | Friday, April 29, 1994

RUSTENBURG—I was not afraid. I wanted to see them when they attacked me.

“Kaffir, you have to leave; you are not wanted here,” one said.

“Kaffir” is South Africa’s ugliest racial epithet, like its U.S. equivalent, “nigger.”

“Wait a minute, you invited us,” I said.

The first punch landed on my neck. Another kicked me on the left hip. One man grabbed me in a strangle-hold. I wriggled free and stretched out my arms to ward off blows as arms from everywhere grabbed at and punch me and people yelled words at me in Afrikaans.

I just thought, “Wow, what the hell is going on here?”

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OUTRAGE_Not All Press Welcomed, No Matter What the Sign Says

By Homepage, New York Daily News, South Africa: The Freedom VoteNo Comments

By GENE MUSTAIN, Daily News Staff Writer | Friday, April 29, 1994

RUSTENBURG—The first whiff of the hate in store came when we turned off the two-lane blacktop onto a dusty rutted road and a group of Boer commandos by a parked car glared at us.

One of them, a huge pot-bellied man with a bushy mustache and a pistol in his waistband, shouted some insult we couldn’t hear.

“They think black people are the devil,” said Michele Baird, our black interpreter.

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