
Marc Cooper


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Gescard F. Isnora, left, Michael Oliver and Marc Cooper, the defendants in the Sean Bell case.

3 Detectives Acquitted in Bell Shooting By MICHAEL WILSON, April 26, 2008

Three detectives were found not guilty Friday morning on all charges in the shooting death of Sean Bell, who died in a hail of 50 police bullets outside a club in Jamaica, Queens.

Justice Arthur J. Cooperman, who delivered the verdict, said many of the prosecution’s witnesses, including Mr. Bell’s friends and the two wounded victims, were simply not believable. “At times, the testimony of those witnesses just didn’t make sense,” he said.

His verdict prompted several supporters of Mr. Bell to storm out of the courtroom, and screams could be heard in the hallway moments later. The three detectives — Gescard F. Isnora, Michael Oliver and Marc Cooper — were escorted out of a side doorway. Outside, a crowd gathered behind police barricades, occasionally shouting, amid a veritable sea of police officers.

The verdict comes 17 months to the day since the Nov. 25, 2006, shooting of Mr. Bell, 23, and his friends, Joseph Guzman and Trent Benefield, outside the Club Kalua in Jamaica, Queens, hours before Mr. Bell was to be married.

It was delivered in a packed courtroom and was heard by, among others, the slain man’s parents and his fiancée. The seven-week trial, which ended April 14, was heard by Justice Cooperman in State Supreme Court in Queens after the defendants waived their right to a jury, a strategy some lawyers called risky at the time. But it clearly paid off with Friday’s verdict.

Before rendering his verdict, Justice Cooperman ran through a narrative of the evening, and concluded “the police response with respect to each defendant was not found to be criminal.”

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So, add Sean Bell to the names of people wounded or martyred without consequence by New York City’s police officers. A partial list

Eleanor Bumpers, October 1984

Abner Louima, August 1997 (he survived torture and sodomy with a broom handle)

Antoine Reid, June 1998

Kevin Cerbelli, October 1998

Amadou Diallo, February 1999

Patrick Dorismond, March 2000

Ousmane Zongo, May 2003

Timothy Stansbury Jr., Jan. 2004

Update: Anthony Baez, December 1994