

No Fair, McCain Complains

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John McCain, who often jokes that the media is his “base,” is now complaining that the media is too much in love with Sen. Barack Obama. And, not only does he have the videos to prove it, his campaign has compiled them into a couple mind-bending (I was going to say mind-bendingly stupid but I already called Ol’ McCain stupid yesterday) political advertisements.

It’s the same ad–with buffoonery by Chris Matthews and other media types embarrassing themselves and former Hillary Clinton surrogates airing complaints–set to different music:

“Can’t Take My Eyes Off of You” version:

“My Eyes Adored You” version:


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Blame the Black Guy

“John McCain. Where did you dig up that old fossil.”

This advertisement (I don’t know where it’s running) responds to Sen. John McCain’s idiotic ad blaming Sen. Barack Obama for the high cost of oil. It does not explicitly say that oil was less than $40 a barrel when George W. Bush became president (there was graph onscreen but unremarked upon) but it might as well have said it.

I don’t really want to talk about McCain. His campaign is hardly worth mentioning. The man is so corrupt, so false, so bankrupt of ideas that we might as well debate the fringe candidates running, Bob Barr, Cynthia McKinney, and Ralph Nader.

The problem is that the Mainstream Media will do its dead level best to pump some air into the McCain sail. That is why we have to respond to some of these.

MoveOn Ad*

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All in your head

The McCain campaign finally rid itself of former Sen. Phil Gramm. Let’s put aside for the moment whether Gramm should be investigated and, possibly, imprisoned for corruption and economic crimes against this nation when he was a United States senator and destroyed banking in this country.

The particular comments that led to his demise (“You’ve heard of mental depression; this is a mental recession. … We have sort of become a nation of whiners.”) is pretty much what McCain has been saying all along, as this MoveOn.org ad attests.

Americans have a choice to make in the general election: to back a political party that has shifted the wealth of the nation from the working and middle classes to the very rich, or back a Democrat who, maybe, could protect the American way of life.

It’s a no-brainer.

Get ready to be disappointed.

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Gail Collins makes a good point in today’s New York Times. Addressing the growing chorus of folks on the Left who have expressed dismay over Senator Obama’s so-called shift to the center, including the Times’ own Bob Herbert and most recently the Rev. Jesse Jackson, she notes that Obama’s been in the center all along:

Think back. Why, exactly, did you prefer Obama over Hillary Clinton in the first place? Their policies were almost identical — except his health care proposal was more conservative. You liked Barack because you thought he could get us past the old brain-dead politics, right? He talked — and talked and talked — about how there were going to be no more red states and blue states, how he was going to bring Americans together, including Republicans and Democrats.

Exactly where did everybody think this gathering was going to take place? Left field?

I think that a lot of people are going to be disappointed with Senator Obama’s moderate positions in the campaign. Many African Americans and young people, in particular, cast their votes for Obama not because of his policy positions but because of intangible factors like the symbolism of electing the first black president or feelings of hope engendered by the Senator’s soaring rhetoric. As Collins points out, these people are just now waking up to what Senator Obama has been saying all along — that he’s the moderate candidate who can bring the Left and Right together.

Remember that back in December, before the Iowa caucuses, Senator Clinton was the great liberal hope. She had all the policy positions in place to address the concerns of each of the various interest groups that dominate the Democratic nominating process. Indeed, that was the well-known and explicit strategy of her campaign manager Mark “Microtrends” Penn. But after Senator Obama’s superior ground game won him the Iowa caucuses, he became seen as a viable candidate. Emotion took over from reason.

I don’t mean to suggest that there’s anything wrong with voting one’s hopes. Emotion plays an enormous role in politics. But I do agree with Collins that folks who now claim to be disappointed with Senator Obama weren’t really listening to him.

So what’s a disappointed Lefty voter to do? You can vote for Ralph Nader. I fully expect to him to trot out the old canard that Senator Obama isn’t any different from Senator McCain. That worked well for him in 2000 and could easily lead to similar results again this year. You can always stay home on Election Day, which would have the same effect. You might as well vote for Senator McCain.

Or you can suck it up and get ready to be disappointed. Politics ain’t perfect. It’s a constant struggle. You win some, and you lose some. If the Disappointed Left isn’t able to see that they would win more with a President Obama than with a President McCain, then they’ll get the only president that they deserve.

Cross-posted from Facebook.

Mr. Integrity

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(AP Photo) Republican candidate John McCain has some lipstick wiped from his face after a peck from wife Cindy in Denver.

He’s a guy who has gotten by on the barest minimum effort as others have paved the way for him. What he’s best at is posturing as a patriot, war hero, moderate, blah, blah, blah.

He gives the term shape-shifting a bad name. Whatever shape you want him to conform to, he’ll do it, no matter how hypocritical he looks doing it.

He was deep in the pocket of Charles Keating, vacationig at Keating’s resort homes while carrying water for him on Capitol Hill. He’s a philanderer who abandoned the wife and children who stood by him when he was a war prisoner because of disabling injuries she suffered in an accident.

Yet, he enjoys the best of reputations in Washington.

How does a man who is so utterly corrupt manage to convince everyone he’s Mr. Clean without ever changing his ways?

You’ll need a gullible press for that and that is, as he has bragged himself, his “base.”

In this alleged joke, this man who aspires to lead our nation expresses his genocidal thoughts about the people of another nation. I mean, already in this campaign season, we’ve talked about “bomb, bomb” Iran and “obliterating” Iran. Meanwhile, the current administration beats the war drums, threatening to attack Iran.

Is it that far-fetched to think that McCain would not give a second thought before nuking Iran, gassing its people?

McCain's first wife

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From the Daily Mail in London, UK:

The wife U.S. Republican John McCain callously left behind, By SHARON CHURCHER, June 08, 2008

McCain with Carol as he arrives back in the US in 1973 after his five years as a PoW in North Vietnam

Now that Hillary Clinton has at last formally withdrawn from the race for the White House, the eyes of America and the world will focus on Barack Obama and his Republican rival Senator John McCain.

While Obama will surely press his credentials as the embodiment of the American dream – a handsome, charismatic young black man who was raised on food stamps by a single mother and who represents his country’s future – McCain will present himself as a selfless, principled war hero whose campaign represents not so much a battle for the presidency of the United States, but a crusade to rescue the nation’s tarnished reputation.

McCain likes to illustrate his moral fibre by referring to his five years as a prisoner-of-war in Vietnam. And to demonstrate his commitment to family values, the 71-year-old former US Navy pilot pays warm tribute to his beautiful blonde wife, Cindy, with whom he has four children.

But there is another Mrs McCain who casts a ghostly shadow over the Senator’s presidential campaign. She is seldom seen and rarely written about, despite being mother to McCain’s three eldest children.

And yet, had events turned out differently, it would be she, rather than Cindy, who would be vying to be First Lady. She is McCain’s first wife, Carol, who was a famous beauty and a successful swimwear model when they married in 1965.

She was the woman McCain dreamed of during his long incarceration and torture in Vietnam’s infamous ‘Hanoi Hilton’ prison and the woman who faithfully stayed at home looking after the children and waiting anxiously for news.

But when McCain returned to America in 1973 to a fanfare of publicity and a handshake from Richard Nixon, he discovered his wife had been disfigured in a terrible car crash three years earlier. Her car had skidded on icy roads into a telegraph pole on Christmas Eve, 1969. Her pelvis and one arm were shattered by the impact and she suffered massive internal injuries.

When Carol was discharged from hospital after six months of life-saving surgery, the prognosis was bleak. In order to save her legs, surgeonshad been forced to cut away huge sections of shattered bone, taking with it her tall, willowy figure. She was confined to a wheelchair and was forced to use a catheter.

Through sheer hard work, Carol learned to walk again. But when John McCain came home from Vietnam, she had gained a lot of weight and bore little resemblance to her old self.

Today, she stands at just 5ft4in and still walks awkwardly, with a pronounced limp. Her body is held together by screws and metal plates and, at 70, her face is worn by wrinkles that speak of decades of silent suffering.

For nearly 30 years, Carol has maintained a dignified silence about the accident, McCain and their divorce. But last week at the bungalow where she now lives at Virginia Beach, a faded seaside resort 200 miles south of Washington, she told The Mail on Sunday how McCain divorced her in 1980 and married Cindy, 18 years his junior and the heir to an Arizona brewing fortune, just one month later.

Carol insists she remains on good terms with her ex-husband, who agreed as part of their divorce settlement to pay her medical costs for life. ‘I have no bitterness,’

she says. ‘My accident is well recorded. I had 23 operations, I am five inches shorter than I used to be and I was in hospital for six months. It was just awful, but it wasn’t the reason for my divorce.

‘My marriage ended because John McCain didn’t want to be 40, he wanted to be 25. You know that happens…it just does.’

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in politics . . .

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A First Lady of a different kind
CNN – 50 minutes ago
By Jonathan Mann (CNN) — Take a brilliant, strong-willed, American woman. Let her marry a rising politician, start a family, build a successful legal career, and then emerge as a polished public figure in her own right.
The War Over Michelle Obama TIME
Tenn. GOP Sen. Wants Obama Ad Pulled CBS News
New York TimesReutersIndianapolis StarNational Review Online
all 212 news articles »
POLITICAL HOT TOPICS: Friday, May 23, 2008
Compiled by Mary Grace Lucas, CNN Washington Bureau

Washington Post: POW Aftereffects in McCain Unlikely
Sen. John McCain’s 5 1/2 years as a prisoner of war in North Vietnam undoubtedly changed the course of his life. But now that he is 71, that remote trauma seems unlikely to shorten his life span or to lead to mental or physical conditions that are not already apparent.

LA Times: Obama makes moves for fall election
The Democratic front-runner looks for a running mate, talks with party officials and campaigns where it counts — all while trying not to overstep while Clinton is still in the race.

The Hill: GOP says troop cuts likely to help McCain
GOP Sen. John McCain’s presidential bid could receive a boost if additional troops are withdrawn from Iraq this fall, according to his Republican colleagues. The Arizona senator’s allies said Gen. David Petraeus’s remarks Thursday that he expects to recommend more troop withdrawals this fall would validate McCain’s arguments that last year’s troop surge was needed to stabilize Iraq.

NY Times: As Race Wanes, Talk of Clinton as No. 2 Grows
While Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton and her advisers insist that she is determined to win the Democratic nomination, friends of the couple say that former President Bill Clinton, for one, has begun privately contemplating a different outcome for her: As Senator Barack Obama’s running mate.

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Obama to tour key Western states
Obama is heading west next week.

(CNN) — Barack Obama will travel to three crucial swing states next week, the latest sign the Illinois senator is moving into the general election phase of his campaign.

As first reported by the Web site Talking Points Memo and confirmed by an Obama campaign aide, the Illinois senator plans to make stops in New Mexico, Nevada, and Colorado next week.

Specifically, Obama will make stops in Las Cruces, New Mexico Monday, the Las Vegas area on Tuesday, and the Denver area on Wednesday.

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