Tag: McCain

  • A liberal in the U.S. Senate

    The Agonist is one of my favorite stops when I’m inclined to read other blogs. It is simply one of the best out there. I stopped reading for a while because I felt their vociferous support of Senator John Edwards blinded them to the good points of other candidates. In any case, I stayed away…

  • Calamity John

    The Los Angeles Times today offered details about a previous post of mine that some people have told me is controversial because I deigned to question Sen. John McCain’s heroism during the Vietnam War. My contention remains that McCain, at least initially, took valuable training and equipment of the American military for granted. But, because…

  • McCain, the pot

      From the Obama campaign: The current economic crisis demands that we understand John McCain’s attitudes about economic oversight and corporate influence in federal regulation. Nothing illustrates the danger of his approach more clearly than his central role in the savings and loan scandal of the late ’80s and early ’90s. John McCain was accused…

  • The Boss

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  • McCain & the Republicans

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  • New Yorker magazine: ‘The choice’

    In a long article, the New Yorker magazine endorsed Sen. Barack Obama, (D-IL), and made the argument for why Sen. John McCain, (R-AZ), would be the wrong choice to lead the nation at this time: Meanwhile, the nominee, John McCain, played the part of a vaudeville illusionist, asking to be regarded as an apostle of…

  • Hockey moms, Joe Sixpack, aw shucks!

    At some point last, GOP Vice-presidential nominee Sarah Palin declared she was not going to be debating: “I may not answer the questions that either the moderator or you want to hear, but I’m going to talk straight to the American people.” I wish they could have stopped the debate at that point and ushered…

  • Maybe in Ohio!

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  • Palin’s understated brilliance

    I know all of us are holding our breath for Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin to wow America all over again during her vice-presidential debate with Delaware’s Sen. Joe Biden Thursday night. One newspaper has called Mrs. Palin’s debating skills “formidable.” The New York Times says she’s a confident debater. In fact, the Obama campaign, calling…

  • More like this

    The Midnight Hour The words: Senator McCain just doesn’t get it. He doesn’t understand that the storm hitting Wall Street hit Main Street long ago. That’s why his first response to the greatest financial meltdown in generations was a Katrina-like response. Sort of stood there. Said the fundamentals of the economy are strong. That’s why…