
Obama-Biden ’08

Biden, beginning to fight

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(CNN) — Sen. Joe Biden of Delaware, Barack Obama’s choice for vice president, accepted the nomination Wednesday night at the Democratic National Convention in Denver, Colorado. He was introduced by his son Beau Biden, Delaware attorney general.

Sen. Joe Biden: You know, folks, my dad used to have an expression. He’d say, “A father knows he’s a success when he turns and looks at his son or daughter and know that they turned out better than he did.” I’m a success; I’m a hell of a success.

Beau, I love you. I’m so proud of you. I’m so proud of the son you’ve become; I’m so proud of the father you are.

And I’m also so proud of my son Hunter and my daughter, Ashley.

And my wife, Jill, the only one who leaves me both breathless and speechless at the same time.

It’s an honor to share the stage tonight with President Clinton, a man who I think brought this country so far along that I only pray we do it again.

And last night, it was moving to watch Hillary, one of our great leaders, a great leader of this party, a woman who has made history and will continue to make history, a colleague, my friend, Sen. Hillary Clinton.

And I am truly honored to live in a country with the bravest warriors in the world.

And I’m honored to represent the first state, my state, the state of Delaware.

Since I’ve never been called a man of few words, let me say this simply as I can: Yes. Yes, I accept your nomination to run and serve with Barack Obama, the next president of the United States of America.

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A Facebook note

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Our Future! by Janet Yang
Forgive the impersonal nature of this email. The passion with which I write overshadows any shyness I may have about reaching out to even those of you I have had little or no contact with for quite some time.

I believe the upcoming election is the most important of our lives. The state of our nation, and the world, is hanging in the balance. I urge you to stop and reflect for a moment about what you will do on November 4th, and possibly what you will do before that date.

For the first time in my life, I am inspired to work vigorously for a candidate who embodies everything I hold close to my heart and who gives me confidence that ours can be a country in which I am happy to raise my son.

I am particularly moved too because I believe that for the first time, the Asian and Asian-American communities have the ability to be recognized as a vital force in bringing about this change. At no other time in history have so many members of our community been mobilized around a candidate.

There are many, many ways to get more involved if you are so inclined. You may want to think about the networks and resources you already have to mobilize and inspire people; the campaign can always use more help with voter registration, fund raising, and phone banking and campaigning in battleground states. There is perhaps no better use of our time right now.

Several websites have been created to help guide you: my.barackobama.com and asianamericansforobama.com.

Again, I apologize if this message is not relevant to you, but I consider this to be a most critical matter at a most critical time.

I am writing to you from Beijing where we have seen the effect of people power in full display. I hope this can serve as inspiration as well.

Please feel free to contactl me if you have any questions or comments.
