
Palisades Park

PALISADES PARK BLAZE INJURES 8, ROUTS 42 FAMILIES; Police Carry Out Those Hurt Seriously

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By Michael O. Allen, Record Staff Writer | Saturday, February 15, 1992

The Record (New Jersey) | Two Star B | NEWS | A03

A fire at an apartment building Friday morning injured eight people three of them critically and routed 42 families, authorities said.

Two of those critically injured were stepbrothers who were carried out unconscious by police from a smoke-filled basement apartment where the fire started.

Although the fire was ruled an accident, it was unclear what started it, and an investigation continues into why fire alarms and smoke detectors apparently failed to work, Police Chief Alan J. Lustmann said.

Patrolman Scott Maresca, who was the first to arrive at the building at 32 E. Palisades Blvd. about 1:50 a.m., found three of the injured people outside. Maresca, Capt. John Genovese, Lt. Anthony Servis, and Patrolman John Sopelsa entered the basement apartment when they were told more people were inside.

Genovese carried out Luis Moldonato, 21, while his 11-year-old stepbrother, Angelo Gagliardi, was rescued by Maresca, said police, who credited the officers with saving the two stepbrothers lives.

Except for the tenants of four units rendered uninhabitable by the fire, residents of the building were allowed to return four hours later, Lustmann said. Firefighters estimated that 150 people lived in the adjoining 21-unit buildings at 28 and 32 E. Palisades Blvd.

Fire Chief Donald Spohn said the fire was put out within 30 minutes.

Moldonato suffered burns and smoke inhalation and was in Holy Name Hospital, a spokeswoman said. His mother, Ada Cruz, 43, who shares the apartment with three other children, was also in listed in critical condition in the intensive care unit.

Gagliardi was in critical condition at Hackensack Medical Center with second- and third-degree burns, a hospital spokeswoman said. Daughters Monica Nieves, 6, and Christiana Gagliardi, 12, and Cruz’s mother, Maria Owen, 62, were treated at Englewood Hospital and released, a spokeswoman said. Berta Lopez, also a tenant in the building, was treated at Englewood Hospital and released.

ID: 17368895 | Copyright © 1992, The Record (New Jersey)


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By Michael O. Allen, Record Staff Writer | Saturday, August 3, 1991

The Record (New Jersey) | Two Star B | NEWS | Page A03

A 23-year-old Bronx woman, under psychiatric care at Bergen Pines County Hospital following a disturbance in Palisades Park on Thursday, is awaiting extradition to New York City as a suspect in the murder of a 93-year-old woman, police said.
Michelle McWilliams pushed her way into amateur painter’s Mathilde Poggensee’s Bronx home looking for money to buy drugs, Detective Thomas Aiello said Friday.
A neighbor who looked in regularly on the award-winning artist, who was said to be losing her hearing and sight in recent years, found Poggensee on Wednesday night face down on the living room floor, her mouth gagged and her arms tied behind her back with an electrical cord, Aiello said.
She died of asphyxiation, caused by the gagging, and multiple rib injuries, according to a medical examiner’s report. Police think Poggensee was attacked Sunday or Monday.
Police do not know why or how McWilliams came to New Jersey. Palisades Park Police Capt. Frank Martini said borough officers picked up McWilliams, barefoot and unkempt, about 9 a.m. Thursday when they went to a Roff Avenue taxi stand where a disturbance had been reported. McWilliams was violent and appeared to be emotionally disturbed, he said.
“We did not know she was wanted in New York at that time,” Martini said.
It was discovered during routine questioning before she was committed for psychiatric evaluation that a pocketbook in McWilliams possession was one of the items taken from Poggensee’s home after it was ransacked, Aiello said.
McWilliams mother, who was informed by the hospital that her daughter was under their care, informed police of her whereabouts when 43rd Precinct detectives called her Thursday morning, Aiello added.
McWilliams faces charges of second-degree murder and robbery in New York, Aiello said.


ID: 17351422 | Copyright © 1991, The Record (New Jersey)