

The greatest show on earth

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News flash! Congress to investigate pitching great Roger Clemens for perjury.

Members of Congress, mostly Democrats, especially Henry Waxman, want the United States Justice Department to investigate whether Clemens was telling the truth when he appeared in a farcical hearing that even Waxman found embarrassing and wished he had not held.

This was a hearing where gas bag politicians, not prosecutors, were questioning Clemens about the testimony from an inveterate liar, a drug dealer, and date rapist Brian McNamee that he had injected Clemens with steroids and other substances. No one has any other testimony other than McNamee’s.

They would seek to use the words of Yankee pitching great Andy Pettitte to buttress McNamee’s shaky testimony.

This is not going to end well. For Congress. And the Justice Department. Also, I have a feeling that this nation faces far more serious problems than this trumped up drama.

Invitation to a boondoggle?

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It was a wet, slushy commute from NYC to NJ Friday night. I wanted to nap on the train. Instead, I opened The Nation magazine.
There was a piece by Gary Younge called Feudal Democracy about the wound the Democrats are about inflict on themselves by having the so-called Super-delegates pick their nominee for president at the Democratic Party Convention in Denver.
I began to read and came across this alarming passage:

The notion that this race might be settled democratically increasingly appears more a question of pragmatism than a point of principle. If the primaries are not sufficiently decisive, it seems that the nomination will be brokered by the “elders.” Superdelegates are slowly ceding their authority to a handful of super-duperdelegates. Al Gore and former Senate majority leader George Mitchell are the two “elder statesmen” most often touted with sufficient standing to fix whatever democracy might happen to break.

Please, not George Mitchell.
George Mitchell cannot settle anything. Muck things up, yes; settle ’em, no. Just ask Major League Baseball. They asked for an investigation of steroids in baseball. Mitchell gave them a clip job, compiling pretty much everything that’s been written in newspapers, magazines and books about the subject.
He also latched onto ongoing investigations and claimed them as his own.
He solved nothing, settled nothing, found nothing, smeared a legion of people and walked away with the loot. Baseball will not say how much money he wasted on that boondoggle.
Whatever happens at the convention, please don’t let George Mitchell in.

Questions for Mr. McNamee

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Brian McNamee and Roger Clemens in February 2006. If we take Brian McNamee at his word, why did he keep this?

Was he thinking five years ago, or however long ago this gauze and needle are from, that he would one day rat Roger out and use the stuff to back up his case if Roger denied it?

Is Roger’s blood in the syringe?

In which case, wasn’t he supposed to be injecting Roger with steroids, not extracting his blood?

How do we know how and when the steroids got in the syringe?

Was it before or after McNamee used it on Roger?

These and many other questions . . .