Tag: The Nation magazine

  • I'm with Greider

    Since reading his ‘Who Will Tell the People’ back in 1993, I’ve been a disciple of William Greider. He is a visionary, an astute observer/analyst of public policies and their consequences. This piece in The Nation magazine is no exception. Economic Free Fall By William Greider,The Nation, July 30, 2008 Washington can act with breathtaking…

  • 'Barthelmismo'

    Here’s a bit of Donald Barthelme’s “The Big Broadcast of 1938” ” “Tell me about your early life,” she said. “I was, in a sense, an All-American boy,” Bloomsbury replied. “In what sense?” “In the sense that I married,” he said. “Was it love?” “It was love but it was only temporary.” “It didn’t go…

  • Buckley's splendid eulogies

    I come late to the William F. Buckley eulogy party, a full week as a matter of fact. I was going to skip it entirely but I finally read my Newsweek magazine, which devoted precious newshole to the passing of the conservative icon.There was the long retrospective on his career by Evan Thomas, accompanied by…

  • Invitation to a boondoggle?

    It was a wet, slushy commute from NYC to NJ Friday night. I wanted to nap on the train. Instead, I opened The Nation magazine. There was a piece by Gary Younge called Feudal Democracy about the wound the Democrats are about inflict on themselves by having the so-called Super-delegates pick their nominee for president…

  • War Hero

    Marine Lance Cpl. James Jenkins is cornered in an apartment but, this not being Iraq, he could not shoot back. In intense, ferocious and some of the most intimate fighting of the Iraq War in 2004, Jenkins killed more than 200 enemy combatants. He was a war hero, with many commendations, including a Bronze Star…