

The war prisoner card

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The presidential campaign of Sen. John McCain in recent weeks has brandished his stint as a war prisoner every time anyone deigned to criticize the good senator. The inimitable Maureen Dowd offered a catalog:

So it’s hard to believe that John McCain is now in danger of exceeding his credit limit on the equivalent of an American Express black card. His campaign is cheapening his greatest strength — and making a mockery of his already dubious claim that he’s reticent to talk about his P.O.W. experience — by flashing the P.O.W. card to rebut any criticism, no matter how unrelated. The captivity is already amply displayed in posters and TV advertisements.

The Rev. Kirbyjon Caldwell, the pastor who married Jenna Bush and who is part of a new Christian-based political action committee supporting Obama, recently criticized the joke McCain made at the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally encouraging Cindy to enter the topless Miss Buffalo Chip contest. The McCain spokesman Brian Rogers brought out the bottomless excuse, responding with asperity that McCain’s character had been “tested and forged in ways few can fathom.”

When the Obama crowd was miffed to learn that McCain was in a motorcade rather than in a “cone of silence” while Obama was being questioned by Rick Warren, Nicolle Wallace of the McCain camp retorted, “The insinuation from the Obama campaign that John McCain, a former prisoner of war, cheated is outrageous.”

When Obama chaffed McCain for forgetting how many houses he owns, Rogers huffed, “This is a guy who lived in one house for five and a half years — in prison.”

As Sam Stein notes in The Huffington Post: “The senator has even brought his military record into discussion of his music tastes. Explaining that his favorite song was ‘Dancing Queen’ by Abba, he offered that his knowledge of music ‘stopped evolving when his plane intercepted a surface-to-air missile.’ ‘Dancing Queen,’ however, was produced in 1975, eight years after McCain’s plane was shot down.”

It is an all-around excuse for Bad Boy McCain. He could commit adultery and engage in rank political corruption because, you guessed it, he was a prisoner in the infamous Hanoi Hilton.

Never mind that he is the least temperamentally suited man  to run for the office since Barry Goldwater, the presidency of the United States is his for the asking simply because he was a war prisoner.

McCain has even not bothered to develop a plan for many of the problems ailing America because we deserve to have him as our president because he’s a prisoner of his and our past.

After 27 years, man retires from job as keeper of Lady Liberty’s flame By MICHAEL O. ALLEN

By Homepage, New York Daily NewsOne Comment

Sunday, September 26, 1999

Over the years, Charlie DeLeo figures, he must have climbed the iron girders through the upraised arm of the Statue of Liberty to the torch more than 2,500 times.

“I knew it was time to leave because my legs gave out,” he conceded one day last week.

Thursday was DeLeo’s final day on the job changing Lady Liberty’s 750 light bulbs, a job he did for more than 27 remarkable–and much-chronicled–years.

For the occasion, friends and co-workers held a long sendoff picnic for him. Perched on his head was an off-white baseball cap they gave him. Embroidered on it were the words “Keeper of the Flame.”

“I had butterflies in my stomach, because, you know, I’ve spend most of my life working at the Statue of Liberty,” he said of his last day on the job.

Reminiscing with his co-workers, DeLeo recalled that Americans had just walked on the moon for the first time and were still dying in Vietnam when he began his life’s work.

His love affair with the Statue of Liberty began when he was 9 years old. His fourth-grade class from Public School 42 on the lower East Side made a trip to the island in 1957.

He visited again in 1968. This time he was a Marine, bedecked in ribbons, including a Purple Heart for a shrapnel wound he got during a mortar attack on his unit in Vietnam.

DeLeo remembers muttering under his breath as he stood before Lady Liberty, “Man, I’d give my right arm to get up to that torch one time.”

“Little did I know God would hear my prayer, and that four years later I would become the keeper of the flame.”

On impulse, during a visit in January 1972, DeLeo, who was unemployed at the time, decided to ask for a job. Three months later, he started work.

Through the years, there have been countless stories in newspapers and on television about DeLeo and his work.

“Spencer Christian once interviewed me for ‘Good Morning America,’ and he said, ‘Charlie’s job is not for the fainthearted,’ They showed me doing my thing, and then he called me Spider-Man, and I am like Spider-Man,” DeLeo said.

Though DeLeo stands little more than 5-feet-5 and weighs not a wisp over 140 pounds, “pound for pound, I’m a crackerjack,” he said.

DeLeo has devoted so much of his life to his work, there were some things he never got around to. He never married, for instance.

“I certainly don’t worship the statue, but I talk to her,” he said. “Ever since my mother died of cancer in 1974, Lady Liberty has been like a mother figure to me.”

FLEET 2 (KRT122 Vert C, 5-20-98) A U.S. Navy helicopter from Light Helicopter Anti-Submarine Squadron 94 (HSL 94) flies by the Statue of Liberty Wednesday during the opening ceremonies of Fleet Week ’98 in New York City.

(c) 1999, New York Daily News.