

This Election Season . . .

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We must not let Sen. John McCain, (R-AZ), pretend that a vote for him in November is not a vote for a third term for George W. Bush. We must not let him pretend that he is not Bush’s heir. He begged for this, groveled, and bargained away his integrity to have it. Everyone must keep in mind that he sold his soul to get this nomination, that he has betrayed every last principle on which his reputation for moderation stood.

Sen. McCain will try to pull the wool over the voters’ eyes with the full complicity of the corporate-owned mainstream media.

The truth is that a vote for Mr. McCain this fall is a vote for a continuation of Bush’s disastrous policies that has put the United States of America on the precipice of ruin in more ways than we dare to count.

It is important that Sen. McCain owns every part of this administration’s legacy, including the abomination of torture that became its hallmark. McCain let Abu Ghraib happened. Guantanamo Bay happened with Bush in his embrace. We waterboarded alleged enemy combatants with his full blessing.

No matter who the Democrats nominate as their standard bearer, the nation has to keep that in mind. Do we want more wars, more torture, a blighted environment, a government run in secrecy, more distrust of us by our allies around the world, and an intemperate and angry man as the next person in the oval office?

We would be voting for all that when we vote for McCain.

Cage Match

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John McCain (incidentally, senator, Jack Balkin at Balkination, has a question) is piling up primary victories. But radio entertainer and reigning Republican party demagogue extraordinaire Rush Limbaugh says that don’t matter.
And Dr. James Dobson (doctor of what? who’s he ever cured of anything?) of “Focus on Family” also says voters don’t matter. He’ll decide who should be the Republican nominee.

You see, McCain to them is a liberal. Why? Because, among other things, he authored a campaign finance reform bill and is pushing immigration reform.