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By December 12, 1990February 8th, 2023No Comments

By Michael O. Allen, Record Staff Writer | Wednesday, December 12, 1990

The Record (New Jersey) | Four Star B | NEWS | Page B03

A gunman robbed a security officer for Holy Name Hospital of about $2,000 as the officer’s truck entered the driveway of National Community Bank on Cedar Lane on Tuesday afternoon, police said.

The officer was shaken up but unharmed in the robbery, which occurred about 1:30 p.m., Detective Sgt. Robert Adomilli said. Adomilli declined to identify the officer.

Theresa Setteducato, director of public relations at Holy Name Hospital, said the security officer was going to make a deposit at the bank, at 205 Cedar Lane, when he was robbed.

Setteducato declined to say how much the officer was depositing.

The security officer told police that a man approached his truck as he entered the bank’s driveway and said “Excuse me,” as if he were about to ask him for directions, Adomilli said.

The officer told police the man walked up against the truck, pointed a gun at him, and demanded that he hand over money.

Adomilli said no one saw the robbery, and the gunman escaped on foot.

A second armed robbery in Teaneck occurred at a dry-cleaning store about 3:15 p.m., but Adomilli said it appeared a different robber was responsible. The gunman stole an undetermined amount of money from a cash register at Plaza Cleaners and Artistic Tailors on Queen Anne Road, he said.

The robber locked an employee in a bathroom, Adomilli said.

Caption: PHOTO – DANIELLE P. RICHARDS/THE RECORD – Sheriff’s Officer John Murphy examining vehicle for fingerprints.

ID: 17326428 | Copyright © 1990, The Record (New Jersey)

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