
The greatest show on earth

By February 27, 2008No Comments

News flash! Congress to investigate pitching great Roger Clemens for perjury.

Members of Congress, mostly Democrats, especially Henry Waxman, want the United States Justice Department to investigate whether Clemens was telling the truth when he appeared in a farcical hearing that even Waxman found embarrassing and wished he had not held.

This was a hearing where gas bag politicians, not prosecutors, were questioning Clemens about the testimony from an inveterate liar, a drug dealer, and date rapist Brian McNamee that he had injected Clemens with steroids and other substances. No one has any other testimony other than McNamee’s.

They would seek to use the words of Yankee pitching great Andy Pettitte to buttress McNamee’s shaky testimony.

This is not going to end well. For Congress. And the Justice Department. Also, I have a feeling that this nation faces far more serious problems than this trumped up drama.

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