

Out of the mouths of . . .

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My wife (Let’s call her LJ) and two boys (Gabriel, 10, and Aidan, 6 years old but turning 7 in five days) were walking on Hope St., by Spring, the other day when they came across a scene that was unusual enough they ran home to get a camera to record it: a Vulture eating a Possum.

On their return, the scene acquired a touch of the surreal. Vulture was still eating Possum. Then a hearse drives by.

This is where I enter. That night, the boys were telling me about their day.

Aidan: That Vulture was cute.

Gabriel (knowing his brother, laughs)

Me: It was a vulture.

Aidan: All vultures are cute.

(Aidan believes all animals are cute.)

Me: Vultures are never cute.

Aidan: How ‘bout the Possum, it was cute?

Me: It was dead!

Aidan: Besides that.

Family feud

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It has come to this.

Sen. Hillary Clinton, (D-NY), needs to throw in the towel before she causes any more mayhem. The Smoking Gun tells us that a supporter of hers viciously stabbed his brother-in-law, a supporter of Sen. Barack Obama, (D-IL), in the stomach during an argument over their respective candidacies.

Come on now, can’t we all get along?

McCain's media relations office

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How fortunate is John McCain, (R-AZ), to have Newsweek magazine in its corner?The magazine’s reporters and writers don’t even pretend to be objective anymore. They see their job as explaining the ‘Maverick’ to an unappreciative nation.

Case in point is their package of stories and columns under the headline Straight Talk Roadblock, which sought to dismiss the recent article by The New York Times about ethical lapses by McCain, including apparent cozy relationship between him and a lobbyist. Despite the fact that their own reporting (by powerhouse Evan Thomas and pit bull Michael Isikoff, among others) confirms the essential facts of the story by the Times, they still called it a non-story.In his ‘Editor’s Desk’ column, Jon Meacham said:

Let us be honest: without the allegations about sex, there was no Times story. (McCain’s FCC efforts and links to the communications company had been previously reported.) No suggestion of sex, no front page; no suggestion of sex, no right-wing rally to McCain’s side against the Times. It is, as Margaret Thatcher used to say, a funny old world.

It’s of a piece with recent Newsweek reporting about McCain, which has been adulatory, even more so than the usual media treatment of McCain. Howard Fineman put in his usual yeoman’s work sucking up to the good senator.As Newsweek says, there’s no scandal here. Everybody run along.

A habit

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Georgia Couple Win $270 Million Lottery

Here are a couple of previous Georgia winners of the Mega Millions lottery (man on the left in 2o06 and the man on the right in 2007).

Man at the counter: Damn, I didn’t win the Mega Millions again!

Counterman: Yeah, some couple from Georgia won it.

Me: It’s always somebody from Georgia who wins it.

A chorus: You got that right, yeah.

Man at the counter: Not true. I’m from Georgia and I ain’t won crap yet.

Due dilligence

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Jack Shafer, Slate magazine’s press critic, had a piece on Thursday that it called McCain’s Smoking Blonde. He defended The New York Times’ article about McCain’s shaky ethics. He’s got it just right. Here’s a passage:

So far, I’ve yet to encounter a single critique that faults the article for its portrayal of McCain’s eccentric and self-serving ideas about political ethics. McCain thoroughly soiled himself in the “Keating Five” savings and loan scandal in the 1980s, which the article accurately condenses. Although McCain has devoted much of his post-Keating career to the policing of political ethics, the article notes, he’s often strayed from the path of righteousness. When accused of skirting ethical standards, he usually pleads guilty in an embarrassed, hangdog fashion, as the Times anecdote about a political fundraiser held for his 2000 presidential campaign points out. Scores of lobbyists were invited to the Willard Hotel to feed his campaign treasury, but, as the paper reports, “McCain himself skipped the event, an act he later called ‘cowardly.’ ” Here, McCain has it three ways: He throws the event, he skips it, he criticizes himself for not attending it. Will the real John McCain please stand up?

And so on. The Times reports that the enemy of special interests, money in politics, earmarks, and lobbyists has staffed his presidential campaign with lobbyists and recently hired a lobbyist to run his Senate office. That particular lobbyist, Mark Buse, the paper reports, came to McCain’s staff through the revolving door. Before he was a telecommunication industry lobbyist, Buse was the director of McCain’s commerce committee staff.

When critics question McCain’s integrity, his allies, such as McCain adviser and lobbyist Charles Black, say the man is beyond reproach. “Unless he gives you special treatment or takes legislative action against his own views, I don’t think his personal and social relationships matter,” Black told the Times.

This, of course, is hooey. What the lobbyist craves above all is access, and anything that provides that edge is coveted. In many cases, both lobbyists and their clients know the mission to change the mind of a member of Congress is hopeless. Often the point of the exercise is to be seen and heard by the member. If the lobbyist does not carry the day with the member, the client counts on the “relationship” to pay off in the next visit or the visit after that or the visit after that.

McCain, and admitted philanderer, is peddling his integrity and the rest of the media must excavate this man’s dealings before we elect him as president.

Matthew Yglesias at Atlantic.com has this take:

Obviously, I don’t know whether or not McCain had sex with Iseman. I suppose by “what the meaning of the word ‘is’ is” standards, he didn’t even deny having had sex with Iseman. Certainly it’d be a bit rich of McCain to get outraged that anyone would even suggest that he might engage in sexual improprieties. After all, it’s well known that he repeatedly cheated on his first wife Carol, of a number of years, with a variety of women, before eventually dumping her for a much-younger heiress whose family fortune was able to help finance his political career. That’s well known, I should say, except to the electorate, who would probably find that this sort of behavior detracts from McCain’s “character” appeal.

Invitation to a boondoggle?

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It was a wet, slushy commute from NYC to NJ Friday night. I wanted to nap on the train. Instead, I opened The Nation magazine.
There was a piece by Gary Younge called Feudal Democracy about the wound the Democrats are about inflict on themselves by having the so-called Super-delegates pick their nominee for president at the Democratic Party Convention in Denver.
I began to read and came across this alarming passage:

The notion that this race might be settled democratically increasingly appears more a question of pragmatism than a point of principle. If the primaries are not sufficiently decisive, it seems that the nomination will be brokered by the “elders.” Superdelegates are slowly ceding their authority to a handful of super-duperdelegates. Al Gore and former Senate majority leader George Mitchell are the two “elder statesmen” most often touted with sufficient standing to fix whatever democracy might happen to break.

Please, not George Mitchell.
George Mitchell cannot settle anything. Muck things up, yes; settle ’em, no. Just ask Major League Baseball. They asked for an investigation of steroids in baseball. Mitchell gave them a clip job, compiling pretty much everything that’s been written in newspapers, magazines and books about the subject.
He also latched onto ongoing investigations and claimed them as his own.
He solved nothing, settled nothing, found nothing, smeared a legion of people and walked away with the loot. Baseball will not say how much money he wasted on that boondoggle.
Whatever happens at the convention, please don’t let George Mitchell in.

Revolution, or an election?

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Senators Barack Obama and Hillary Rodham Clinton debating in Texas on Thursday. (Photo by Deborah Cannon)

Washington Post Columnist Robert J. Samuelson wrote a column on Wednesday questioning the Barack Obama phenomenon. We will see more pieces like this, especially if Sen. Obama, (D-IL), becomes the Democratic Party nominee.

Let me attempt to refute some of his more salient points.

I don’t want to say Samuelson’s column is ridiculous. He does raise some interesting questions about Obama. He says in The Obama Delusion that he came away from an encounter with Obama at the 2004 Democratic Party Convention “deeply impressed by his intelligence, his forceful language and his apparent willingness to take positions that seemed to rise above narrow partisanship.”

Obama has become the Democratic presidential front-runner precisely because countless millions have formed a similar opinion. It is, I now think, mistaken.

As a journalist, I harbor serious doubt about each of the most likely nominees. But with Sens. Hillary Clinton and John McCain, I feel that I’m dealing with known quantities. They’ve been in the public arena for years; their views, values and temperaments have received enormous scrutiny. By contrast, newcomer Obama is largely a stage presence defined mostly by his powerful rhetoric. The trouble, at least for me, is the huge and deceptive gap between his captivating oratory and his actual views.

By Samuelson’s standard, only people who have held national office and are well known should put themselves forward as candidates for President of the United States. Although George W. Bush came from a prominent family and was governor of a state, not much was known about him (we still don’t know about his going AWOL from his Air National Guard units during the Vietnam War; his drug use during much of his adult life; and other criminal behavior and activities before he allegedly found religion). His entire adult life (besides drinking and drugging) was spent as his father’s enforcer in the deep background.

Hillary Clinton is known to the whole world, which is both her strength and weakness. Many voters are rejecting her precisely because they know her so well. Obama, besides being a community organizer and a civil rights lawyer, was a state legislator for eight years.

Samuelson criticized the plans that Obama has put forth about what he would like to do in office.

If you examine his agenda, it is completely ordinary, highly partisan, not candid and mostly unresponsive to many pressing national problems.

He is right. Obama’s ideas are quite pedestrian. But Mrs. Clinton’s plans are only slightly less so. Obama’s supporters either cannot see, or refuse to see, the conventional politician right before them. They think it’s a revolution when, in fact, all it is is an election and a man running as hard as he can to win an office.

But, that said, I don’t believe it’s Obama’s job to lay out a plan on what he intends to do as president. That’s not part of the job description. I think most people trot out these plans because they think it’s required of them.

Did Bush talk about ‘unitary executive’ doctrine when he ran for President? No. He talked about being a ‘compassionate conservative’ and ‘a uniter, not a divider.’ We know now that both tropes are blatant lies.

A lot of people remember now Bill Clinton’s presidency fondly (willingly forgetting the impeachment and other assorted sordid goings on during those eight years) but what plans did he run on and did he implement them?

One of the things that a leader has to do is inspire and any other year I would have been inspired by Mrs. Clinton. Next to Obama, however, she depresses me.

I think Obama will be a better president and part of the reason is that he’s new and fresh and does not carry the scars and baggage of two decades of warring with Republicans. With Mrs. Clinton, we’re going to have to refight all the old fights.

And it helps that Obama is an inspirational leader.

Please, don’t get me started on McCain. As you all know by now, I think Sen. John McCain is a corrupt and immoral hypocrite.

Candor as performance art

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I am sorry if I am beginning to sound like a broken record on Sen. John McCain, (D-AZ). His denial notwithstanding, this is not the first time he’s found himself under the glare and his response was almost typical. I said ‘almost’ because McCain himself would have put this story out himself and run with it.

McCain’s best Washington trick is media manipulation. He gets seasoned journalists, who should know better, to eat right out of his hands.

McCain quickly fessed up and reaped rewards for candor when he was outed as a chronic philanderer in his first marriage. He then dumped his first wife to marry money, Cindy, who, as luck would have it, came complete with a drug addiction. The McCain team went into overdrive and got in front of the story when it came out in 1994 that Cindy McCain had been stealing Percocet, Vicodin, and other drugs from a charity she was supposed to be running.

She granted semi-exclusive interviews to one TV station and three daily newspaper reporters in Arizona, tearfully recalling her addiction, which came about after painful back and knee problems and was exacerbated by the stress of the Keating Five banking scandal that had ensnared her husband. To make matters worse, McCain admitted, she had stolen the drugs from the American Voluntary Medical Team, her own charity, and had been investigated by the Drug Enforcement Administration.

This little performance for the media had an additional benefit. It deflected attention from the Keating Five controversy that was threatening John McCain’s career.

McCain did it with the Keating Five, and with the story of the failure of his first marriage (Cindy is his second wife). So what you recall after the humble, honest interview, is not that McCain did favors for savings and loan failure Charlie Keating, or that he cheated on his wife, but instead what an upfront, righteous guy he is.

Maybe that’s why the people who know him best, Arizona voters, have always been lukewarm toward their United States Senator.

I'm just saying . . .

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(Tableau borrowed from huffingtonpost.com)

The two faces of Mitt Romney were seen arguing on Boston Harbor this morning:

Mitt I: See, I told you, you shouldn’t have gotten out of the race.
Mitt II: You? You said nothing of the sort. I wanted to stay in and you told me I should get out and endorse McCain.
Mitt I: Well, hear me now. You should cancel your subscription to that damn New York Times. Why are they now telling the world this about McCain? Couldn’t they have come out with it six weeks ago? Even a month ago would have helped? Now, that hayseed, Mike Huckabee is going to walk away with a nomination that I almost bought outright.

That’s one of the perils of being two faced. Sometimes one face doesn’t remember what it is telling the other.

Ensconced somewhere with a team of divorce lawyers, headed by Raoul Felder, Rudy Giuliani is bashing his head against the wall, saying: 9/11. Judy. 9/11. Judy. 9/11. Judy. 9/11. Judy. 9/11. Judy. At least he marries his paramours.

Okay, say what you will, but doesn’t ‘that woman, Ms. Iseman,’ look like she and Cindy McCain were separated at birth? I’m not saying that Jim Rutenberg at The New York Times looked at Mrs. McCain and thought he was looking at Vicki Iseman but . . .

Anyway, it’s not like Sen. John McCain, (R-AZ), was ever a choirboy.

I mean, wasn’t it his flagrant philandering that broke down his marriage to Carol Shepp, the woman who nursed him of his war wounds? And people, especially his friends in the media, praised him to no end for his candor and straight shooting when he confessed to that little infidelity. And, of course, this started a pattern of bad behavior by McCain, followed by penitence, which then leads to more praise, and so on and so forth.

The Times’ exposé is essentially combining the two strains of McCain’s Washington life: marital infidelities and financial improprieties.

A friend sent this note . . .

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that I thought I should share:


In thinking carefully about the strengths of the candidates, I stunned myself when I came to the following conclusion: that in addition to keen intelligence, integrity and a rare authenticity, Obama exhibits something that has nothing to do with age, experience, race or gender and something I don’t see in other candidates.

That something is a creative imagination which, coupled with brilliance, equals wisdom. It is too bad if we associate it only with gray hair and old age. Or if we call searing vision naivete. Or if we believe cunning is insight. Or if we settle for finessing cures tailored for each ravaged tree in the forest while ignoring the poisonous landscape that feeds and surrounds it.

Wisdom is a gift; you can’t train for it, inherit it, learn it in a class, or earn it in the workplace–that access can foster the acquisition of knowledge, but not wisdom.

Our future is ripe, outrageously rich in its possibilities. Yet unleashing the glory of that future will require a difficult labor, and some may be so frightened of its birth they will refuse to abandon their nostalgia for the womb.

There have been a few prescient leaders in our past, but Obama is the man for this time.