
political advertising

White Chicks Dig Obama

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Jake Tapper of ABC News counts the number of young white women professing their adoration of Sen. Obama in Sen. McCain’s latest web ad, called “Hot Chicks Dig Obama”.

His count? Four.

Just for kicks, I decided to find out whether Tapper was just being selective in his reporting. Four white women might not be all that important if there are lots of other people featured in the ad. So I watched the ad closely, and here’s what I found.

Black Females: 1
White Females: 6
White Males: 2

Now let’s look behind the numbers.

The first person who appears in the ad is a black female news anchor. She’s in the shot only briefly and isn’t fawning over Obama.

The second person who appears is a white (or perhaps Latino) male who says that he almost cried when Obama gave him an autograph. For whatever it’s worth, this guy sets off my gaydar bigtime. He’s featured very prominently in the ad.

The next shot is bizarre. It’s of an overweight, middle-aged white woman who appears to be giving some kind of salute in the back of a gymnasium. I can’t understand what she’s saying. Seated next to her are another white woman and a middle-aged white man — perhaps her family.

Then we get our first closeup of a nubile white woman. She compares Obama to Bono and comes across as a little ditzy. She’s blonde.

Next up is a young white woman who works at Taco Bell. She’s not even talking about Obama. She says something about being busy. She has a nice smile, but the statement seems a little vapid. We can’t see what color her hair is.

Next is a young white woman (blond) talking about Obama’s aura.

Then a young white woman with brown hair talking about his “soft eyes.” There’s another young woman standing next to her while she says this. That woman is licking her lips as her friends talks about Obama.

The next shot is a white man holding up a button to the camera and delivering the ad’s tagline: “Hot Chicks Love Obama.” This guy almost doesn’t count because the shot is so quick and you can barely see him. He’s almost completely obscured by the button.

The ad closes with Mike Meyers and Dana Carvy, in character as Wayne and Garth, saying “we’re not worthy.” I didn’t count them in my tally of white guys.

Although there are some white guys and a black woman in the ad, this spot is really all about the gay dude and white chicks who dig Obama.

I know from personal experience that black and brown chicks dig Obama, too. So I’m left to wonder: why is it that the McCain campaign seems to want to associate Obama with young, nubile, white women (and a gay man)?

Oh, Paris!

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Paris Hilton Responds to McCain Ad

The ad opens with Obama making his speech in front of 200,000 Berliners, which according to John McCain, is a bad thing. The chant Obama! Obama! is piped in to the strains of some music. There’s a montage of old people and things, including the Golden Girls and Tales from the Crypt.

Voice Over: He’s the oldest celebrity in the world.

Like super old.

Old enough to remember when dancing was a sin and beer was served in a bucket.

But is he ready to lead?

Cut to Paris Hilton, wearing a leopard swim item (I don’t know what to call it).

Paris Hilton: Hey, America, I’m Paris Hilton and I’m a celebrity, too.

Only, I’m not from the olden days and I’m not promising change, like that other guy.

I’m just hot.

But then that wrinkly white-haired guy used me in his ad, which I guess means I’m running for president.

So thanks for the endorsement, white-haired dude.

And I want America to know that I’m like totally ready to lead.

And now I want to present my energy policy for America. Just as soon as I finish reading this article on where I can fly to get the best tan.

(Reads Conde Nast’s Traveler magazine)

Oh, Maui. Loves it!

So, here’s my energy policy.

Barack wants to focus on new technologies to cut foreign oil dependency and McCain wants offshore drilling.

Well, why don’t we do a hybrid of both candidates’ ideas.

We can do limited offshore drilling, with strict environmental oversight while creating tax incentives to get Detroit making hybrid and electric cars. That way offshore drilling carries us until the new technologies kick in, which would then create new jobs and energy independence.

Energy crisis solved.

I’ll see you at the debates, bitches.

Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have to go pick out a new vice president. I’m thinking Rihanna. See you at the White House. Oh, and I might paint it pink. I hope that’s cool with you guys. Bye (blows a kiss to the camera).

I’m Paris Hilton and I approved this message because I think it’s totally hot.